I stay up at night with the girls and then I go to sleep at about 6 am or 7 am when Barry gets up. I say, "Tag, you're it." Then he lets me sleep until about 12 or 1 pm. Barry sleeps from about midnight to the morning. So far the schedule is working out for us. If either of us needs help during our shift, then we can wake the other person up and they can come help. It's not that hard taking care of two babies right now. The only problem is when both of them wake up really hungry at the same time and are crying.

Chantrell is sleeping on the couch nestled between the cushions. The girls sleep better when all parts of their body are touching something. In the crib, there is a lot of space for them to feel around.

Close up of Chantrell. She has a cute double chin already.
Brenna asleep on the other couch. My girls are so precious. I love spending time with them and kissing them.

Grandma Bowman's gifts for the girls. Thank you !!! They just now fit into newborn clothes. They will wear the tights and white shoes when they are blessed. We are getting excited about our trip to Oregon for the family reunion. Only two weeks to go!!!

Barry is enjoying the cool blast of air from the swamp cooler. Our landlord just brought it over today and set it up. The weather is supposed to be in the 90's this weekend.

Barry is holding Chantrell and she is crying because she is wet. Dad gets to change her diaper.

Chantrell has a loud cry. Much louder than her sister.

Chantrell and I are enjoying our bonding time together.

Chantrell is trying out the vibrating seat for the first time. We keep the girls bundled up because of the cool air from the swamp cooler. She likes to look at the toys.

What a cute happy little family, I love sleeping babies, do they sleep and eat at the same time? You're looking awesome Michelle, kiss the babies for me, see you soon.
They are so cute! And they look so different. Are you blessing them for sure the Sunday the 6th? Can't wait to see you guys!
Ahh Shelly! Yeah, they're home!! I love the photo of you with the baby, you look so great! Tell Barry 'Happy First Fathers Day'! I am so happy for you guys and I am so glad that you are planning to have those little girls blessed soon. Please take them to church in Reno, make it part of thier lives. It will be the best gift you could ever give them in staying on the right road throughout thier lives. Love You, Jenn and Brian
You all look to be doing great and that is awsome;) Wish we could see and cuddle them but we are so far away!! Someday soon.. And that you very much for the wedding present it is beautiful we love it:)
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