I found out that Chantrell has an infection that is like a flu virus. That is why she has loose stool and was acting lethargic. She is in an isolation room in an isolette so she can't get others sick. I went in to see her and I had to wear a sterile gown and gloves before I could hold her. She has to take medicine for a couple of days until she is better. So far they haven't put her feeding tube back in which is a positive step and she is on a lactose-free formula which helps her digest it better. For awhile now she has been spitting up some formula on her clothes and we couldn't figure out why. We thought she might have reflux or some other problem with her stomach. I hope we can take her home in a couple more days. She is drinking enough from a bottle now and is gaining a half an ounce a day and that is good. Chantrell weighs 8 lbs. 14 oz. now. She is a pretty big baby compared to her sister.
Brenna went to the pediatrician today and she is doing great. She weighs 6 lbs. 10 oz. and that is a gain of 3 oz in 7 days. She could stand to gain a little more weight. All her other vitals are good. Everybody who sees her wants to know how old she is and tells us how cute and little she is. It is fun to tell people about her and her twin sister. I can't wait to take both of them out together. People are always amazed at twins.
Thursday I go to the dermatologist to have my hand looked at. I had this really small blood blister on my knuckle of my pinkie. Of course I picked it and wouldn't leave it alone. Well, this is what grew on my hand.
I have had this stupid thing on me for two months now because I was waiting to be approved for Medicaid health insurance. I finally got insurance for me and the girls. Mom thinks it is a hemangioma (a tumor filled blood vessel growth) DISGUSTING!!!! I can't wait to have it gone for good.Another gross picture of it. It bleeds like crazy if I knock it accidentally. Usually I wear a band-aid to hide it from everyone.
A cute picture of Barry and Brenna sleeping on the couch.
When Debbie was visiting, she got to give Brenna her first bath at home. I video taped it and took some pictures of her. Brenna is so little and cute. She doesn't cry that much during bath time.
I'm glad you posted more pictures of Brenna, she has changed in the almost two weeks that I've been home. So cute. I'm glad you having the thing on your hand removed, you'll not be so self concious of it and you won't have to worry about bumping it anymore.
Ahh Shelly, you are such a good Mommy. You are taking good care of your little girls and handling very stressful situations the best you can. It sounds like everything will work out soon and you will finally have both your babies home together and this crazy phase of life will be over. I love the photos of Brenna at home. It is cool to see her in a natural invironment. I love the comment about her in her swing and it being like a wild bull. Zoeys swing was fast too and she got that same look on her face like she was a little milk shake that was going to throw up soon! Love Jenn
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