Me holding Brenna on the couch at home.
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Brenna is home!!! Finally!!
Friday afternoon we got to take Brenna home from the hospital. When we got home, Debbie and Tony got to hold her and feed her. It has been so nice to bond with my baby in a relaxed environment. Brenna weighs over 6 lbs now and her sister weighs over 8 lbs. They are both doing so well. The nurse thinks that Chantrell will be coming home soon too. She is drinking better in the last few days. With Brenna being home, it is a lot of work keeping up with her feeding schedule. I'm glad I have help with her. I do most of the night time feeding and changing. Barry watches her in the morning and then I catch up on a few hours of sleep. She is a good baby and only cries when she wakes up really hungry. You can hear the milk hit her emply stomache as she gulps it down so fast. We call her the chug-a-lugger. Barry and I are both pretty tired because we don't get to sleep as much as we want to anymore. The joys of parenthood!! It is so worth the long nights and tiring days. My babies are so precious and I love them so much. Here are the latest photos of Brenna coming home.
Brenna, in her carseat at the hospital giving us a big yawn. She is dressed all in pink from head to toe. I love her little upturned nose.
Taking a little snooze while we waited to leave. There is always paperwork to be filled out.
In goes the binky when she cries. She is too cute.
Sister Chantrell in her crib falling asleep. Don't worry. She will be coming home soon. I love her beautiful dark hair.
Close up of Chantrell. Her eyes are blue and are looking so big in this photo. She definately has a different look to her than her sister, Brenna.
Me holding Brenna on the couch at home.
Barry is holding her now. She is still so tiny.
Aunt Debbie taking a turn with Brenna.
Trying out the crib for the first time. The purple mat is to save you from having to change the sheet if the baby throws up. Then, you only have to wash the purple thing. It's called a sheet saver.
She is holding her own binky in with her fist.
Me holding Brenna on the couch at home.
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Yea!!!!!! Finally you get her all to yourself! The pictures are so cute. Non-flash photography looks so good. It's always nice when you can get away with no flash. We are so happy for you guys!
Awww that is awsome Michelle!! I am glad to hear that she is home now!! Being a mommy is very hard but it is worth every minute of every day:) Congrats on her coming home!
Shelly! I can't believe how beautiful you're little girls are! I'm so happy for you guys, I can't wait until David and I can start our little family! Mom was telling me that they still won't let you take Chantrell home. I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how frustrating that would be. She definately needs to be home with her family. It sounds like that new Dr. you talked to is more reasonable, so hopefully she'll get to come home soon. I love you and hope you all are doing well. I know it's going to be hard but I can't imagine another person more able to deal with it than you. You're going to be a wonderful mom!
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