Last night was bathtime at our house. Here is Chantrell before her bath. She looks so happy and content. Little does she know what is coming up next.

Barry is giving her a bath. She is unhappy and doesn't like to get wet. She usually cries the whole time. I got her first bath with daddy on videotape.

Wrapped up in a towel, much happier to be out of the water.

Barry holding Chantrell. She is giving him a big yawn.

Now, she is dressed in her yellow pajamas.

I love her chubby face in this picture. She is a happy baby and loves to be held. She looks at us while she drinks her bottle.

Getting ready to drink her baba. She is quite the drooler and she likes to spit up too. We have to be prepared with a burp rag. She also burps really loud, like 3 or 4 times in a row. It's pretty funny.

Yummy!!! Almost ready for bed. She sleeps about 3 and a half to 4 hours now.
Here is Brenna before her bath. We use the sponge shaped like a bear to put the girls on the counter while we change them.

A cold and unhappy Brenna after her bath. Look at her face all sad and frowning.

Ahhhh...mommy finally got me dressed all warm and cozy.

Me holding Brenna.

Another pic of me and Brenna.

Baby Brenna taking a nap this afternoon. I just can't resist taking pictures of them while they are sleeping. My precious little angels!!!

Baby Chantrell is half awake and half asleep. I love this picture too. I love my girls!!!!

What beautiful babies! I am getting anxious for you to get here--nine days and then I get to hold and cuddle babies! I love all the photos you have posted. How wonderful (and hard work) to have twins.
They are really looking like healthy, happy chubby cute little one month olds, now...their double chins are so cute. Are they sleeping and eating at the same time, or is there always one up needing to be held and fed? You're very lucky that there are two of you right now, I can't imagine doing that day/night after another by yourself.
I think it is so wonderous the way things work out, that you and Barry are both able to be home together to help one another and bond together as a family during this incredible time in your lives. When thing are meant to happen, God will always find a way to make things work out and make sure that, somehow, all your needs are met. We are so happy for you two, your lives have been so blessed with those two little angel babies and they are indeed precious. Love you so much, Jenn and Brian
They keep getting cuter and cuter and are just adorable--good work you guys.
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