Oh Happy Day!!!! Chantrell was finally released from the hospital today. I was so happy and excited to have her home for good. She still has an infection and is taking medicine for it. She can drink good from a bottle now and even gained a half an ounce last night. As long as she continues to gain a little weight each day, she will be fine. Her pediatrician will see her and Brenna next week. Chantrell is doing great on the lactose-free formula. There is less spit up and her tummy feels better. We might try the new formula for Brenna too. She seems to have a lot of gas and fusses with a tummy ache. She cries and her tummy gets hard like a rock. Here are some pictures from today.
Barry is getting Chantrell ready to go home in her cute car seat. She is not in her usual purple outfit. It got dirty and I had to put her in a pink one.
She does look a lot like her sister in this photo. It would be hard to know who is who if they are both wearing pink in a photo. When you hold them, then you can definately tell them apart. Chantrell is a big baby.

Barry is holding and feeding Chantrell for the first time at home.
Chantrell is on the left and Brenna is on the right. I love their matching car seats.

Brenna loves to sleep in her car seat at night. Then, I get to play on the computer and update my blog. Her sister Chantrell is asleep in her crib.
Yeah....you did it Shelly, they are both home with mommy and daddy.
They are both so precious.
Talk to you soon,
Double Yeah!!!! They didn't have to send her home with a tube in her tummy after all, I can't believe you finally have her home. What a relief, hopefully she gets over her cold before the trip. Does the doctor know they are flying in two weeks?? Have you called the airport and found out about carseats, stroller, and luggage yet? I can't believe how much they have changed in two weeks, chubby and adorable and they do look alike in pictures. Pat yourself on the back, your patience paid off.
I am quitting my job cause I am tired of all the crap. I am going to be a stay at home mommy.
I cant wait to see them in two weeks and snuggle them right up.
Awwww we are so proud of you and Barry that Chantrell got to come home that has to be a big relief, now you have double the duty's!! You are an awsome mommy and Barry seems to be a great daddy... Congrats to you both:)
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