Sunday, my girls sat on their daddy's lap. Happy Father's Day to Barry and to my dad too. Brenna is on the left and Chantrell is on the right.

Barry is looking up this time. The babies are so much fun to play with. They do keep us busy and we don't get that much sleep. They are so worth it!!!

On Monday, we went "green". Our truck doesn't fit all four of us. So, we decided to walk about six blocks to the WIC office. It's the girls first time in the stroller. They did pretty good.

Later that night, the girls went to bed. Brenna fusses unless she has her binkie in her mouth.

Now, she sleeps like a baby. The bean bag with the duck on it is from the hospital. The grandma volunteers make fleece pockets that they fill with beans and then sew it up. It helps to hold the binkies in the babies mouth.

Tuesday, we went to the girl's doctor appt. Again, we decided to walk because it is so close. Both the girls gained weight and are growing just fine. Chantrell weighs 9 lbs. 2 oz. and Brenna weighs 7 lbs. 10 oz. They each have gained about 3 pounds in 6 weeks. They have also grown about 4 inches in length too.

We get lots of looks and comments wherever we go. People love to ask about our twin girls. I love our stroller. It works perfectly.

This afternoon, we put the girls down for their nap. They are too cute in the crib together. I do take alot of pictures of them when they are sleeping.

Close up of Chantrell sleeping.

Close up of Brenna sleeping.
Oh Shelly! They are so cute and I can't wait to hold them. In the sleeping pictures you just posted they look so much alike. I love your jogger type stroller--way cool.
Thanks for more pictures to look at...I'm so glad Chantrell is doing so good, it just proves that she was more than ready to come home!!! I can't wait to see them again, I love the close up of them sleeping, they really look alike in those two shots.
I love it!! first real twin baby shots of them together, so cute! Your stroller is awesome and I bet those little babies loved getting outside to go and a yummy, fresh air walk. Plus, it is great exercise for Mommy and Daddy. Thats how I lost a lot of my 'baby weight'.
WHAT a bean bag to hold a passy in. Why didnt I think of that. Regen would not keep her passy in but she wanted it and it was so hard.
They are so smart.
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