A family picture of Barry and I and the girls at the Lewis and Clark Monument.

Looking at Tillamook Head and the beach. It was a really nice day Tuesday. Sunny and a little breezy.

Copycats!! Look how Ryan and Barry are standing with their hands in their pockets.

Grandpa, Dad, is sitting on the bench. All the kids were leaning over looking at the beach and how far down it was.

No ifs, ands, or butts...cute picture of all their behinds.

And the faces to those behinds are...Daniel, Anna, Jazmine, Ryan, Anthony, Olivia, and Nan.

After we went to the Crazy Hat Store we stopped at the Candy Store. Cute poses girls. Now, let's get some sugar to make us hyper!!

Dad and I are taking a milk pit stop with the girls. Brenna is in pink and Chantrell is in purple.

We had lunch at a yummy pizza place. Thanks Dad and Mom for treating everyone!! Here is Chantrell sporting her new sun bonnet. Isn't she cute?!

Brenna is making the funniest face. I don't know if she is laughing or yawning.

The gang waiting for the pizza. Check out the different hats the kids are wearing. Most of the kids got these giant jawbreakers at the candy store. Daniel is licking his in the picture.

When we got back home, I caught Erica talking on the phone to Vince and she was chillin' on the air mattress that she just pumped up. She is laughing because I got a picture of her being silly. Vince's flight came in later that night and Barry went to pick him up at the airport.

Here she is giving me the thumbs up sign.

The Juchau's finally got there to join in on the fun. Ashley brought the girls the cutiest outfits. Thanks Ash!!!Here is Brenna in pink. So pretty and girly. I hardly ever dress the girls up in pretty clothes. So, it was a nice change to see them so cute looking.

Debbie is holding Chantrell dressed in a blue dress with a little white sweater. How beautiful!! The twins are learning how to smile and laugh and can look at people really well now.

Close up of Chantrell. Look at her tongue hanging out. She is just a precious doll.

Regen is walking around pretty good now. She loved the little soft chairs that the boys sit in. They are just her size to push around the room. I love her little pig tails in her hair.

Debbie is getting in on the twin lovin'. Chantrell is crying...

and now she has stopped crying. It is hard to hold two babies at once. Especially if they are squirming around.

"Time for a photo shoot...look pretty girls". Brenna is kind of falling over.

This picture is cute. I love the bows and headbands on their heads.

This is one of my favorite photos of the twins.
I love how a lot of our pictures are similar but I AM IN THEM! Whoo hoo! That air mattress was really comfy--especially with the warm sun.
OK. Liv was still logged on. It was really me who wrote that.
Hi shelly, pictures turned out really cute. I love getting to see what everyone did before we got there. Your girls look so cute all dressed up. I am glad you were able to come and bring them for everyone to see and play with. I know what Erica means about being the photographer and hardly ever finding yourself in any of your own photos but, somebodys got to do it. Its the price we pay sometimes. Keep blogging, Love ya, Jenn
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