Saturday started out to the lovely sound of chainsaws buzzing ...Barry and Dad were cutting down a really large tree that was leaning over from the storm. It was the 39th or 40th tree that Dad has had to cut down. Dad is wearing protective gear to keep safe from falling branches. There were so many trees that got blown over. Everywhere there were large piles of logs.

Another pic of all the logs.

Here is the fire pit that Dad burns paper garbage and all the small branches from the trees.

Ryan got in on the action and is helping out.

You go, lumberjack Barry!!! It was like 90 degrees that day and Barry and Dad were getting way hot.

My Dad, the energizer bunny, keeps working away at all his household chores. We love you Dad for all that you do for us. Thank you!!!!

We decided to go to Cullaby Lake to cool off for the day. I took the twins, and some of the kids and met Tiffy there. I kept the girls out of the sun...no sunburnt babies for me!! The weather was just perfect for laying out enjoying the beautiful greenery all around. I love how blue the lake is against the dark green pine trees. Just beautiful.

My girls in their carseats enjoying the breeze...

Close up of Chantrell taking a nap.

Close up of Brenna trying to catch some zzzz too.

There was a speed boat race going on that day. It was super loud on the ears.

Wheeeeee...looks like fun speeding around the lake.

The kids had to wait for a break between the boat races before they could swim in the water. So, they decided to play in the sand volleyball court. Jazmine, Ryan and Rhiannon were looking bored until they got an idea to bury someone in the sand. Sounds like fun. And the lucky person is.....

Jazmine!!! The kids were too cute playing together.

Here is Ryan shoveling sand and water. Ryder is getting ready to dump some more water into the bucket.

Nan and her sand castle. Look how long her hair is getting. Soooo pretty.

Jazmine, buried in the sand with a sand castle on top of her.

Here is Ryan sculpting his masterpiece with a shovel. Ryder watches Ryan like a hawk...or an older brother to look up to.

Oh Nooooo... the monster woke up and destroyed the sand castles!!

The kids were so proud of the new sand castle that they built. It even had a water moat.

Close up of the castle and moat. It kind of looks like a monster face with a watery mouth.

Rhiannon is holding Chantrell when we returned home from the lake.

Now she is holding Brenna. What a cute picture.
Nice pictures of Cullaby Lake, that's another place we haven't been. Great shots of the kids playing in the sand. I also like the pictures of Dad and Barry as lumberjacks, another shot I bet no one else got. It's so neat to see everyones interpretation and experiences of the same reunion!!
I agree with Debbie..Isn't it interesting that we all went on the same trip but, came back with entirely different pictures and vacation themes?! Totally cool. I love all your cool photos that no one else saw. I wish we could have stayed that long. Mom and Dad were lucky to have you two stay and help out extra time and your babies are so cute! Love ya, Jenn
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