Friday, February 27, 2009

Christmas 2008--Finally Posted!!!

Remember to turn off the music at the bottom of the blog page so you can hear the video clips. I always forget to write that.

Tiffany's kids all lined up watching "Horton Hears a Who" on Christmas Eve.

A happy Brenna belly crawling on the floor.

She found a toy ball to taste test.A smiling Chantrell crawling on her hands and knees.
She learned how to sit up and then get down and crawl some more.
Dad's in the kitchen making the cheese fondue. We had out traditional meat, cheese, and chocolate fondue that night.
The table all set for a fun party with a veggie tray, Hickory Farms gift box, and frosted cookies.

Tiffany is playing with Chantrell. "Got your nose!" Chantrell is dressed in her Christmas pjs and little Santa hat.

Rhiannon in her new pjs getting ready to open a present.

Brenna liked playing with the wrapping paper more than her toys.

Chantrell enjoyed all the excitement.

"Brenna, look up please." She was busy playing with the paper again.

Inside the box were the girl's Pooh Bear crawling toys, which they loved. Thanks for finding them Erica.Ryder in his new Batman pjs by the fireplace.

The girls and the Pooh Bear crawling toys.



1 comment:

DJ said... figured out how to add the music playlist,I love your choice of songs...and the pics of the kids, so cute. I loved watching the girls, you can really get a sense of their personality better than just through photos. I love Brenna's thumping foot. Good job Shelly. Love you, Debbie