Monday, February 16, 2009

Stormy day in Oregon

In the winter, we get some fierce winds and rainy storms. Barry took the camera to get some shots of the beach after a big storm. This is back in early December.
The pathway down to the beach. I love the color of the beach grass.
Barry's footprints in the sand.
Looking back at some of the expensive beach houses in Surf Pines.
This is a cloudy look at Tillamook Head and the stormy ocean.
Big waves and lots of wind blowing.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Shelly, thanks for updating! I cant believe how the girls have grown and that Barry did such an excellent job decorating the house!!It looked beautiful. What an extra joy your family must bring into mom and dads life. I cant believe how beautiful all your snowy pictures turned out, that one out your bedroom windoew looked just like a post card. Makes me long for Oregon again. I cant wait for another visit. It looks like you all had a fabulous Christmas. I am glad you were all together. Love you so much, tell everyone I say Hi. Love Jenn