Yes, I'm a month behind in posting pics again. The twins and my other duties around the house take up so much time. By the time I want to post on the blog, Barry is playing on the computer or watching old TV episodes on the computer, that stinker. So today I talked him into being me for the day and watching all the kids and doing my chores so I can get caught up on pics. Let's see, we have been to the beach, to Eugene to visit with the girl's other grandparents and Barry's family, Halloween activities, and the girls have turned 6 months old too. I have pics of them with their big bear. They are so cute and can do more things now. Like holding their own bottles to drink, rolling all around the floor, trying to get up on their hands and knees, laughing out loud at funny things, and sleeping through the night (mostly Brenna...Chantrell gets up after 4 or 5 hours and crys for baba and a clean diaper). Here are the pictures. Enjoy!!

OOPS!! These are not the "enjoy" pictures I was talking about. These are from a month ago. Mom always asks what I am doing in the kitchen for hours in the morning instead of helping her. I tell her about Tiffany and all her messes around the house. She acts like only she and her kids live here and she can leave it a big mess and clean it later. However, later never comes and Barry and I end up cleaning after her. She is not setting a good example for her kids. It is very frustrating to wake up each day to a big mess. We don't want to leave it for grandpa to see. He spends all week at work and doesn't need to clean up after anyone. OH WELL!! Barry told me before we moved here that I would be the babysitter and maid for everyone. Maybe Tiffy and Adam and the kids will move out next year. We can only hope. I think that we will be ready to move out when the twins turn one and can go to daycare. I'm ready to teach again and make some money.

A sink full of dishes to wash every morning. Barry and I clean the kitchen at night and when we wake up, here is what waits for us.

This is looking into her disgusting room that she, Adam, and the boys all share. If Tiffy knew that these pics were on my blog she would be pretty mad at me. But, I don't think that she really cares who looks at her room or else she would clean it up.

The giant tower of clean clothes to put away. She never goes through any of the clothes to see what fits the kids anymore. She is a packrat like mom and dad. Barry won't let me live like this. He is the total opposite and is a clean freak. I like it better than tripping all over things and having to make a pathway on the floor just to get to the bed.

The tower of broken plastic drawers full of junk that the kids go through. She has enough socks without partners to fill two drawers. I can never find two matching socks when I help dress the boys in the morning. That is my biggest pet peeve.

Her disgusting and smelly bathroom. There is cat poo in there from I don't know how long ago. Every surface has junk on it and the kids smear toothpaste all of the counter and the mirror on a daily basis.

Another view of the bathroom. Don't worry, this is not the guest bathroom. Only she uses this bathroom. Even the kids don't like to use this bathroom. They say it stinks and is too dirty to take a bath in. You would think that she would get the hint to clean it up once in awhile.

This is messy Rhiannon's room, A.K.A., mom's computer room. Poor mom gets so frustrated that she can't get into her room to print things on the computer or look for books that she wants to read. Nan has learned from her mom how to live like a piggy.

Another view of where Nan sleeps. She says that she has lots of fun in there playing toys, listening to her radio, reading books, and playing on the computer. She has her friends come over to spend the night and she doesn't even care about how messy her room is.

This is how the laundry room looks on a daily basis. Usually the stack of clean clothes is higher and the washer and dryer are always full of her clothes. Barry and I have to wait in line to get our two loads of laundry done each week. Tiffany is drowning in clean and dirty clothes. She just can't get a handle on how to stay ahead of all the messes. Anyone have any good ideas or suggestions for her?? We have talked to her until we are blue in the face. I think that we have given up and just deal with the mess.
OMG!!!! EWWWWW, what a piggy messy mess. It reminds me of the days when dad would shout down the stairs about a white tornado (hint hint). then take our beds off the rails because we pushed all our clothes and stuff under the beds. I thought my house was getting a little cluttered.....not even close.
Love, KK
Dude, that is totally distressing to see that the house is exactly the same, if not worse, than when Brian and I lived there when I was pregnant. It is so frustrating to have to clean up after people everyday. Tiff needs to do a clean sweep and save money to move out so that Mom and Dad can get to thier stuff and enjoy some peace and quiet. I wish I had a suggestion but, if I had one, I would have fixed it somehow back in 2005. Just keep trying and help Mom. You are providing priceless help to her by living there although I am sorry you are feeling swamped, especially with new babies crawling around on that icky floor. Good Luck and Love ya all, Jenn
Dude, that is totally distressing to see that the house is exactly the same, if not worse, than when Brian and I lived there when I was pregnant. It is so frustrating to have to clean up after people everyday. Tiff needs to do a clean sweep and save money to move out so that Mom and Dad can get to thier stuff and enjoy some peace and quiet. I wish I had a suggestion but, if I had one, I would have fixed it somehow back in 2005. Just keep trying and help Mom. You are providing priceless help to her by living there although I am sorry you are feeling swamped, especially with new babies crawling around on that icky floor. Good Luck and Love ya all, Jenn
Michelle!! I can't believe you put all those pictures on the blog for everyone to see! You should have added her latest garage messes while you were at it. If the house caught on fire and I had to get out I would be stuck in the house. I tried to set an example of a clean house when you were all growing up. Most of you learned and have nice neat houses but I remember some pretty messy bedrooms!
Woah, holy smokes, jeeper creepers, wowzer, good grief...ok I'll stop. I don't know what anyone can say to her, it's not like she was a clean freak before she moved there, that's how she lived in the basement of the las vegas house and in her apartment, CLEAN SWEEP is the answer, she needs someone to help her, I'm sure it's emotional and physically draining just to look at it, let alone even to know where to begin. She needs to let go of baggage, give it away to good will, trash it and keep only what's in good repair. I do know that cleaning up after her is enabling her to continue, but it's totally understandable why you would have to clean up some of it, because you don't want to live in squalor either, wow... that's a hard one. You deserve a medal.
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