Barry is carrying around Brenna in her baby carrier on the beach. I think this was taken back in September when the weather was nice and warm. Mom, Barry, the babies, Nan and Ryder and I all went to the beach together.

Me holding Chantrell enjoying the fresh air and ocean waves.

Rhiannon is building a sand castle along with her brother Ryder.

Nan and Ryder.

Cool ocean waves.

At night, the girls sit in their little chairs and watch the Baby Einstein Video, My First Signs. It teaches them how to sign words like eat, drink, mommy, daddy, etc... there is classical music and puppets. I love the video and the girls watch it almost every night. It is so cute to see them taking everything in.

Here is Racer next to Brenna. He loves his cousins and wants to be right next to them all the time.
Racer next to Chantrell.

My twinsy girls are getting so big now. They are growing out of their clothes so fast.

Brenna is enjoying tummy time. I love her cute chubby cheeks and her red hair. She has finally learned how to roll over from her back to her tummy like Chantrell can do. It took Brenna about 3 extra weeks to learn how. I have to be careful not to compare them all the time. Each girl is her own unique person and I love them unconditionally.

Chantrell on her tummy. Look at her bright blue eyes and brown hair. Barry says that she has "Angelina Jolie lips". She is a very pretty baby.

Ryder's new bike. He really needed his own bike and grandma bowman got him one. I went to Fred Meyer's and picked it out for him. Ryder loves it when I bring his bike to the bus stop when I pick him up at 11:15 after his am kindergarten. He rides it up and down the hill by our house.

Ryder going up the hill where the mailboxes are.

He is ready to ride his bike down the hill after we picked up the mail. He goes super fast. Kids have no fear of speeding down the hill and crashing. He can do tricks on his bike, like riding with no hands and then sometimes he puts his feet up on the handle bars.

Barry and I babysit the kids after school. This day we took them to Seaside to eat Elephant Ears and just look around all the shops. Here is Rhiannon in her new school outfit.

And Ryder climbing on the wall.

Looking South at Tillamook Head and the beach. Not that many people on the beach. It's getting colder and you have to bundle up.

At the turn around looking North.

Ryder and Nan at the famous Lewis and Clark statue. I love the pretty bushes and flowers all around.

Me and Barry.

A cool painting on the side of one of the buildings. It shows a quilt hanging on a clothesline at the beach and in the squares are all the things that you can do at Seaside. I thought it was a pretty painting.

Back at home Brenna is taking a nap with her baba. This is a typical sight everyday. The babies drink their bottles propped up by a blanket in their swings.

It got quiet under the trapeez toy...I think Chantrell is sleeping. She looked so cute under there I had to get a picture of her.

Ohhhhhh...she is just precious. Mom and Dad's house has lots of windows in the living room and it gets hot in there, like a sunroom. The girls play in there most of the day. It's pretty comfy for them.
What size are they in now...I can't believe how big they are and so cute. Take a video, I would love to see them play and interact. Get Mom playing and talking with them. I want her voice recorded for posterity and myself. Regen is still in 12 month clothes and she is almost 15 months. Devon is in 2T and he is 19months. Big difference. What is Rhiannon, Ryder and Racer going to be for Halloween. Regen is going to be a bumble bee and Devon is going to be a monkey. I think Alanna is going to be a dead prom queen, or something dead and gross. Aubrey and David are going as Zombie tourists. Kris and Jamies kids are still decinding, I think there is going to be a pirate and a few Hannah Montanna's. Don't work too hard, that's alot when you add Tiff's kids to your girls.
The girls are in 6 month old clothes and sometimes 6-9 month old clothes fit them too. Rhiannon will be a genie, Ryder will be a Nascar driver and Racer will be a knight with a sword. We already carved our pumpkins. I will post pictures of the babies and their pumpkins soon.
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