We borrowed Dad's truck and drove to Eugene to visit with family. This is the Willamette River and bridges on the way to Springfield where Barry's mother Carolyn lives. It was the first time that she got to see the babies.

Picture of me, taken by me.

The girls riding in the back seat chewing on their toys.

Daddy Barry... our trusty driver.

We passed by the Uof O and I got this picture. Go Ducks!!!

Brenna is being held by Barry's only grandmother, Margaret Voss. She is Carolyn's mother. Her birthday was the next day and she is now 89 years old. She is very strong and can get around pretty good. Her eyesight and hearing are pretty bad, but that is to be expected. She loved the little girls.

Here is Chantrell and her great grandmother.

Chantrell is being held by her grandmom, Carolyn Inman, Barry's mom. She really enjoyed seeing her new grandchildren.

This is John Howard, Carolyn's boyfriend, who is holding their dog Scrapy. The dog is so cute and loves to play with his toys. He is a Dachsund, a hot dog doggie.

The dog also loved to lick the babies on the face. We had to keep pulling him away. He just wanted to play and love on the babies. Barry wants to get one of those kinds of dogs. He says that they stay small and love to be held.

See...he just wants attention. Brenna liked playing with his ears.

John is holding their cat, I forgot her name, and Scrappy. They get along pretty good.

Family portrait time. Four generations...great grandma, grandma, father and two daughters. Pretty cool.

This is a cute picture too. Both of the girls are looking at the camera.

Scrappy wanted to be in the picture too.

The girls are playing on the floor with toys. They can hold their heads up high and look at each other. They are starting to get up on their hands and knees and rock back and forth. Next, they will be crawling all around.

This is the cute little shed in the backyard. It looks like an old fashioned barn.

They also have plum, apple, and a type of nut tree (filbert). We came home with bags of apples and Barry made apple bread.

John and Margaret are picking grapes from the vine. I forgot that grapes have seeds in them. I'm used to eating seedless grapes. John says that these kinds of grapes are good for wine making. I didn't like the taste of the grapes and they had too many seeds in them. Barry loved them and ate the seeds with the grape.

Lots of apples are on the ground. We took most of the apples still in the tree. I would love to have a place of our own where we could grow fruits and vegetables. They taste so fresh and juicy when it comes right from nature.

Close up of Brenna and her mommy.

Picture of the back deck and stairs.

Another good family picture.

Barry gets his sense of humor from his mom. They both like to tease people.

They have a little pond with goldfish in it. We had a great visit at their place. Carolyn made us a terrific lunch and we watched some videos of the babies when they were first born. We can't wait to see everybody again.

Next, we went over to Rose and David Lee's house. We visited with Tony's girls, Whitney and Chelsey. Here is Whitney holding Brenna.

This is Brianna, Sally's youngest daughter.

A picture of Chelsey, their mom Debbie and Whitney. Debbie used to be married to Tony, Barry's younger brother.

Pretty fall leaves on the ground in Eugene.

This is the big tree that you can see from the living room at Rose and Dave's place. It is just starting to turn colors and lose its leaves.
1 comment:
It looked like you guys had a great visit, was this the first time Barry's mom has seen the girls? That is pretty neat that you got a 4 generation picture. I loved the picture of the girls together on the floor, reminds me of Devon and Regen, now they're crawling up the ladder of our wooden playset and going down the slide one after another...nerve wracking!
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