Baby Chantrell holding her hands together like she is praying. She does this all by herself.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
The twins are born!!!! May 3rd, 2008
Hi Everyone, I am now home from the hospital after having a c-section on saturday. The babies look so cute and are doing well in the NICU. There have been a few set backs with the girls. Brenna is back in a heated incubator to help her regulate her heat. Chantrell has an IV in her head to help give her the nutrients she needs. Both girls try to latch on and nurse when I go for visits. They haven't learned how to suck, shallow and breath at the same time, which will help them with bottle feeding and nursing. They both have to be fed by tubes that go down their nose into their tummies. I love getting to hold them and change their diapers. They are so tiny and precious it is hard for me not to cry everytime I see them. My hormones are crazy and I cry all the time. I miss my big pregnant belly and wish they could still be in there growing. They had to be delievered early because of my health. I still have high blood pressure and have to take medicine, but my feet are not so swollen and my diabetes are gone too. I went from a high of 288 lbs, to a now 250 lbs. That was a lot of baby and water weight to lose. Here are some pictures of the girls and Barry and I. I will post more info on the girls and their progress soon.
Me in the hospital about 4 days before the girls were born.
Barry, visiting me daily while I waited for the babies to be born.
Baby Brenna in the nursery when she was first born.
Brenna in the nursery and Tony is visiting her.
Baby Chantrell in the nursery when she was first born. She has a little darker hair and skin tone, then Brenna.
Another picture of Chantrell.
When I woke up from the surgery, the guys came to visit me. They showed me the pictures of the girls and then I took this picture of them.
Mom and Dad sent me beautiful roses, a big teddy bear and ballon for the girls birth. It was so nice to receive so many phone calls from family members. Thank you!!!
The nurse in the NICU is holding up Brenna for her feeding.
Another picture of Brenna trying to drink from a bottle.
Chantrell lying on her tummy practicing sucking on her pacifier.
The nurse is checking Chantrell's temperature.
Chantrell all dressed up with a pink bow in her hair.
Barry is holding little Chantrell. The girls are about 3 days old in these pictures.
Barry loves his little girls so much. He worries about them all the time. As, do I. He has been great supporting me through this tough time.
Me holding baby Brenna.
The happy family!!! We love our little girls so much.
Another picture of us all together.
Baby Brenna in her crib. The volunteer grandmas make these beautiful quilts for the newborns. This was when Brenna could hold her own body heat in. Now, she is back in a heated incubator.
Some of the nurses make the babies these cute name tags for the cribs.
Chantrell's name tag.
Another picture of the flowers, balloon, and teddy bear from Mom and Dad and little teddy bears from Barry.
I took this picture of myself at night after visiting the babies. Have you ever seen a sadder picture of me? I laugh and cry at myself.
Baby Chantrell holding her hands together like she is praying. She does this all by herself.
Baby Chantrell holding her hands together like she is praying. She does this all by herself.
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Congratulations!!!Those are the most precious babies ever, they have such beautiful rounded heads, not cone shaped like many. They look so healthy and such cute chubby cheeks. Hang in there, it will get easier, we pray for the girls every day and I can't wait to come and see them soon. I love all the pictures and can't wait to see more. Love you, Debbie
Ahhhh Lelly! Your babies are so beautiful! Congratulations! I am so sorry that you have had such a hard time with the pregnancy and delivery. Just know that the babies are growing big and strong each day and that soon you will get to take them home and be dne with the hospital. Then, you will get to have them all to yourself. I loved the photos of you and Barry holding the girls- they are so sweet and tiny. What a beautiful family you have. Isnt that awesome-that in the blink of an eye, you went from a couple to a 'family'. That concept blew me away when oit happened to me too. and dont worry if you cry alot, its normal. Having babies brings out the most tender emotions within you. Seeing your babies melts your heart. This is called 'motherhood'. Love you so much, take care. Love, Jenn
Congrats on the baby girls, they are adorable and we wish you the best of luck with them, we will all continue to pray for them but they look perfect:) Kris and I are honored to share a special day with them:) We love ya and can't wait to see them!
Kris and Jamie
You will be the best mother ever! I don't think anyone ever wanted babies more than you. You and Barry will be awesome parents--what lucky little girls. They are gorgeous. I am looking forward to photos of them without the tubes, etc in the way. It will be soon, time will fly and then you will have them all day (and night). So take advantage of this time to sleep and get strong so you will have the energy to cope with them. Love to all of you, Mom
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