Saturday, May 10, 2008

The girls are one week old today.

Barry and I enjoy our visits to the girls daily. It just melts my heart every time I see them. I want to hold them and smell them and kiss them all over. We will have to see if maybe they will be coming home in the next week or two. They just have to get the feeding tubes out and show the nurses that they can drink whole bottles at their feedings and keep it down. Both girls are in cribs now. Brenna is out of her incubator because she can hold her body heat up where it needs to be. Here are some pictures of the girls and some short video clips.

Brenna in her crib and Barry is getting ready to change her diaper.She is crying after being woken up and changed. I love the little outfits the girls wear. Brenna is crying and you can see her big birdie mouth open for food.