Tuesday, May 13, 2008

One baby might be coming home.

We talked with the doctor today about Chantrell and Brenna. Chantrell pulled out her feeding tube and now all her feedings are by bottle. They say she is ready to come home in a couple of days!!!! I am super excited to have one little girl home. Brenna only takes a bottle every other feeding. She is smaller than her sister and hasn't quite got the whole suck, swallow, breath down yet. Barry and I will take turns staying home to take care of Chantrell and visiting Brenna. We are looking forward to Debbie's visit next week. It will be nice to have an extra pair of hands and her expertise with babies. Barry and I have been asked to stay the night at the hospital withthe girls and they will sleep in the same room with us. It will be like being home with the girls feeding and changing them every 3 hours. If we have any problems or questions the nurses will be there for help. We will keep you updated with pictures and information soon. Erica and Debbie I answered your questions in the comments box. Check it out. Love to everyone.

1 comment:

DJ said...

That is great news that Chantrell is doing so well that she can come home, Brenna will be there soon. E-mail me your phone number so I can call you with all the flight information. I've made the return flight for Sun June 1st. Hopefully you won't get sick of me. I can't wait to snuggle the babies.