Friday, November 30, 2007

Thanksgiving in Reno.

For Thanksgiving this year we are in Reno, NV. It is definately harder to be away from family during the holidays. Barry and Tony did all the cooking of the food and we had lots of leftovers. It was fun to eat good food and watch a fun football game together. I made the veggie tray and the yams with marshmallows, since those are my favorites. It was nice to have four days off from school. I loved looking at all the pictures on people's blogs showing their meals and families. I took pictures with Barry's regular camera. Mine was on the fritz again. I hope to save up money for a new digital camera for myself this Christmas. I will post pictures of our Thanksgiving soon. After I get them developed and a picture CD made too.

1 comment:

pkabow said...

We missed having you for Thanksgiving! Are you still planning to come for Christmas, and what about Barry and Tony? Are they coming too? It would be fun to have family here!!