Moving around the room, this is where the kids play in housekeeping and where the computer is. The tv and vcr are on the moveable cart. The blue shelf is our library and it can roll out of the way too. My room has three big windows that let in lots of sunshine.

My classroom at Robert Mitchell school. This is where I do morning calendar, pledge, shapes, colors, etc...

This is the back of the house in the alley. This is the door that we enter through and it opens up to the kitchen. It makes it easy to put groceries away and not too many stairs to climb. We love not living in an apartment with neighbors slamming doors and kids bugging us every five minutes. Our neighborhood is really quiet. We have met two neighbors and they are both very nice.

The small kitchen. The next room behind it is the living room.

Our living room is tiny. The door leads out to the front yard. Tony and Barry doing what they love best. Watching sports. Yuck!!

This is our front yard that faces Moran St. But you can't get to our front yard from that street. We enter the house from the back through an alley. We have to walk across the yard and through a fence to get our mail which is on the Moran St. Pretty confusing. The owner will put in some grass in the spring after all the snow is melted. We will have snow sometime, but for now, it has been in the 70's and warm.

This is the side of the house and the little garage that we put some of our things. Barry's red truck is in the driveway.
Your house is cute and cozy just like you said. I like it. I enjoyed looking at all your photos and the ones of Reno, Tahoe and Salishan (and of course, the Oregon coast)! Your classroom is huge--two to three times the size of the ones in new school buildings.
your house is cute
sorry if i borther you somtimes
How many bedrooms does your house have? It looks very quaint and cozy.
No Jourdan, you don't bug me. Sometimes I get busy and can't email or call you back. I hope you are doing well in school. You should start a blog like my nieces have. Your mom could help you and that way you wouldn't be bored all the time.
Debbie, the house has two bedrooms and only one bathroom with a shower. I miss taking baths and shaving my legs. I went out on the back porch with a pot of hot water, soap, and a shaver and shaved my legs outside. It was a beautiful warm day. I used to do that in Las Vegas too, when the bathroom was always busy. When Tony moves out and gets his own place, then his room will be the baby room. His room is only big enough for a queen size bed and a dresser. It is tiny, but will be perfect for a baby. The master bedroom is normal sized, thank goodness, for Barry and I.
ok i do what to get a blog can`t you get them bye gmail but how if that is right plaese when you can tell me how you got yours.
school is good but i gotn a c in math last quter now it is quter two i i think i doing better alteady but we just stared quter two i am sueri got a c .
I gope you are having a good time at your work with all the kids and at your new house!
i nope you are doing good whatis you #
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