Another view from the classroom. Behind the bookshelf is an old-fashioned heater that makes my room like an oven. I have to open windows to let in cool air, but then you hear the noise from the busy street outside. My desk is to the right.

More of the classroom and my desk and kidney shaped table for mini-lessons with kids.

This is the back of the classroom. The door is to the right where the kids come in. You can see the Halloween decorations hanging up.

I have these six cupboards that open up for storage. The doors are covered in chalkboards and some dry erase boards. They are original to the school about 60 or 70 years ago. The kids made bats with patterns on them and we traced our feet to make ghosts.

This is kind of dark but it is the hallway looking down to the other kinder room. The floor is all tiled and the walls are tiled. We have a small corkboard that runs the top of the tile to hang artwork from. I think the ceilings are over 12 feet tall.

This is looking the other direction towards the office. The door to the left is the teacher's lounge and the bathroom. Lucky for me it is right next door.

Here we are at the pumpkin patch. The first three boys in this picture are my "special" boys that have to be watched at all times. This was my group to watch. I picked two bright girls to show the boys how to act. There were about 4 or 5 other schools there that day.

Showing all the crazy shapes and colors of the pumpkins. The kids were very impressed.

More students from my class. We had great weather for October 30th.

We are on the hayride being pulled by a tractor. Everyone is sitting on bales of hay.

This is the cute tractor driver. She was fun to talk to.

View of the pumpkins in the field. Some of them were smashed and rotten. All the good ones were already picked from the field.

More pics from the hayride. Notice all the buses. There were hundreds of school children there that day.

One of the teacher aides helping get the kids off the hayride.

Barry came to help on our field trip. He is writing the kids names on their pumpkins.

My students had a great time picking out the biggest pumpkins that they could carry. They all behaved so nicely on this trip.

I only had one parent volunteer. This is a specialist from our school who came to help watch kids on the field trip.

The woman of the left is our school counselor and on the right you see Barry in blue and next to him is the parent who came with us.

Here is a picture of me and my group. My hair is a little shorter since I got it cut.
Great pictures and blog, Keep it up!
hi michelle i so happy for you cute kids . nice school is it what you wanted have a great time living down there
p.s. my great grandmma lives down there and i toll her about you
You have an enormous classroom, and how cute you have it put together. What kind of things do you have on your wish list for your classroom? Mine is huge. I love the math manipulatives and the book bags that come complete with a book and props for that story to name a few. I love the pumpkin patch pictures. Your kids looked like they really had a good time. That was nice of Barry to come along and give you a hand.
I want a big rug that has letters on it for all the kids to sit on for calendar and story time. The principal ordered it for me. I just got some teddy bears for counting and a scale to balance them in. Also, I got some pictures for the kids to put pattern blocks on. Like pictures of flowers and animals shaped from blocks. Kind of like tangrams. I have been collecting things for a classroom for years so I don't need that much.
The kids look like they had alot of fun and the classroom looks great;) Hope you have a great weekend!
hi i wan to talk to you sometime guess what my great grandma lives down there you guys migfht get along
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