In January, Chantrell was learning how to stand up and walk around the furniture. She loves to get into the DVD's and eat the boxes.

She got caught in the act.

"I wonder if my mommy is watching me?"

"Yup!! She is watching me...Busted!!" Look at that adorable smile.

Brenna was still belly crawling but she has now learned how to crawl just as fast as her sister.

Pretty red hair and blue eyes. I love how the girls look in all pink...just precious.

Eight months old...time for a photo shoot with the teddy bear.



Close up of Chantrell.
And, close up of Brenna.
The lighting is better in these pictures. The girls are wrestling with the bear.

"Hi Mom!!"

Chantrell standing up all by herself and reaching for toys.

Time for a little snack after our photo shoot.

We love our highchairs!!
Ah Shelly, I haven't been on your site in a while, so many new greta pictures and even sound and music, too cool! I love the one of brenna when shes in the crib saying im trying to sleep and the goofy cute little face chantrel gave you while in the bathtub. They are so cute. love jenn
Hi Shelly!I love the pics.FYI It is Ariana, Rhiannons friend
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