Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tiffany's 29th B-day! Nov. 18th, 2008
Tiffy's b-day was just a family party. Then, she and Adam went out later to play pool. She opened up cards and her kids were so excited for her to see the presents that they picked out and wrapped by themselves.
I made her a yummy pineapple upsidedown cake to go with Tillamook ice-cream.
This is a dog calendar for next year that I got for her. The kids picked out cards with sound in them and we went shopping at Ross for cute clothes and jewelry for Tiffy.
Rhiannon being her usual crazy self.
Candles on the cake.
Tiffany was putting on her new earrings and we were saying, "The candles are lit...hurry up and blow them out!"
Tiffy all dressed up for a night on the town. Nan picked out the shirt and matching earrings. Doesn't she look great?!!
Make a wish!!
On one of our drives down the Oregon Coast, we took this picture of the beach at sunset. We went to Manzanita just to look around.
The sunset picture turned out great.
Sometimes Barry takes the girls up to our room at night before their bedtime. I came by to check on them and they had fallen asleep right on the bed next to Barry. He said that he patted their backs until they slept.
They looked so precious that I had to take a picture of them.
Another day, Barry went for a hike at the Tillamook Head. I know that Jenn and Brian took Zoey in a backpack for this same hike when she was just a baby. Barry said there was no way that I could have made it with the twins. He had to climb over fallen trees and it was a 6 mile hike in and back out. Anyway, he got some good pictures of the rocks and trees and of the Tillamook Lighthouse.
The lighthouse is way out in the ocean on an island. The picture is blurry but you can still see what it looks like. Maybe when the girls are older and I am much skinner, I will make the hike.
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wow you kids are so cute. i miss you so much we need to keep in touch more. but gte ready becuase there goin to be like me a teenager and thats a great time for the mom.:) well i on winter break right now we are having a three week one insted on two becuase of all the snow we have been having snow days. well i really want to see you and you family. but at lest you got your own kids to take my spot you know going to walmart, homework help ,cooking. oh speking of food i became a vegtrian. but i goin to stop after christmas i think only did it becuase i want it to try it out ok well got to go. ( i wrote this on the other too but i did not think you look there
- jourdan
Hi Jourdan, I sent you a Christmas card and letter and a new picture of our family. I hope that you and your mom are doing alright. I miss you too. How is school? I loved all the snow that we had. I went sledding with my sister's little kids. It was so much fun. I don't have an email address but I gave you my home phone and mailing address. You can always leave me comments on my blog and I will answer you. The internet has been down for a week now, so that's why it has taken me so long to write you back. Maybe we can visit with each other now that I live in Oregon again. We will see. Talk to you later. Love, Michelle
What a surprise!! I am so please to hear from you. I'm glad we can now keep in touch on the blogs. I love your girls. How precious.
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