Well, it's December 12th and I have yet to put on any pictures from November. I just can't find the time to get caught up. So...let's see what I have been up to. November was birthdays for Dad, Racer, Tiffany, Zoey, Jennifer, and Rose. We had Thanksgivinig here in Warrenton and then a second Thanksgiving in Eugene. The twins turned 6 months on Nov. 3rd and now they are 7 months as of Dec. 3rd. They are growing so fast. Chantrell weighs 18 lbs. and is 28 inches and Brenna is 17 lbs. and 27 inches. They are almost out of their car seats. We have to get them the next size up. I have some video clips to show you of them in the bathtub and playing on the floor. They also had their second big cold. Brenna had a double ear infection and pink eye in both eyes. Chantrell got over her cough and cold pretty fast. Brenna took longer to get better. They are feeling pretty good now, thank heaven. We are looking forward to a fun Christmas here with my family. It will be the twins first Christmas. I feel really lucky to be living here with mom and dad while Barry and I get back on our feet. Pretty soon it will be time for me to work full time and the girls will go to day care. I love spending every day with them and watching all the fun things that they can do. Here are some of the Nov. pictures.

Rhiannon with the twins in their bear outfits. The photos were taken on Nov. 3rd to mark the girls turning 6 months old. Brenna is in pink and Chantrell is in white.

Too cute!! By the time Brenna turns one year old, she will already know how to hold up one finger. She does that in many pictures of her.

The boys wanted a turn holding the babies. Ryder and Racer just love their cousins. Racer always asks to hold the "red head" baby, Brenna. Ryder is always after Chantrell and the boys love to make silly faces at the girls trying to get them to laugh.

The girls posing with their teddy bear. They are almost as big as the stuffed animal.
Close up of Chantrell pulling on the teddy bear. She has a fiesty personality already. Grandma Bowman, mom, calls her the "wild girl". When mom tries to hold her, Chantrell twists and turns and tries to get down off mom's lap.

Close up of Brenna. She is definately the calmer baby of the two. She lets me cuddle a little with her before trying to get down off my lap.

Barry and his little girls. He loves them sooooo much. He is a great helper with them too. I couldn't have asked for a better daddy for my babies.

The girls are playing on the floor.

On another day, the girls are playing like they do everyday. I love to dress them in twinsy outfits. I lay down blankets for them to play on and give them all their toys to play with. This is before Chantrell learned how to crawl and move around the room. Brenna stays where I put her but not Chantrell. She is usually off in some other part of the room when I come back to check on her.

The girls are studying the toys and pressing the buttons to make sounds.

Barry likes to take walks down to the beach to see the waves and to get some fresh air. This day he saw a bald eagle perched on a tall stick. He took this picture with all the birds flying together. You can barely see the eagle to the left of the birds.

Super close up of the eagle. It is still kind of blury but he was far away. One minute it was there...

and the next it was gone. Below is the beach grass covered by blowing sand. I like the pictures that he took of the beach and of the ocean.
I finally finished Steven's Christmas stocking. Lisa asked me to finish his stocking for her that she started about 9 years ago. It took me about 4 months to finish it because I could only work on it a little each day. But, it is finished and Steven loves it. I was happy to help out.

Rhiannon had a sore tooth so we took a trip to see dad, the dentist. She had a molar pulled and later dad put in a spacer so when her adult molar comes in, it will have a spot and not be crowded. She looks like a "Superstar" with the glasses on.

"Open Wide!!!"
She is showing me her decayed tooth that dad pulled. She had gauze in her mouth and couldn't eat or drink for a couple of hours.

Chantrell sleeping at night with her hair sticking up on top of her head. Barry thought she looked cute and took this picture.

He took one of Brenna sleeping too. Such sweet angels.
1 comment:
It has been a couple of weeks since I've posted anything let alone even looked at the blog, I can't believe how the girls have changed. Such cute pictures.
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