Racer's 4th birthday party. The theme was "Go Diego Go". I worked on the cake and added little plastic animals and a Diego character. We played games about rescuing animals and hide and seek.

Neighborhood kids Bella (age 2) and Liberty (age 4). They are sisters and their brother is Xander (age 6). Their mom is pregnant with a boy.

This is Xander.
Maddie, twin to Justin. Both are 5 years old.

Here is Justin.


Racer showing me some Karate moves.

Justin and Xander being boys.

Rhiannon invited two of her friends to join in the chaos of the party. Arianna is the blonde and Meagan is the crazy wild brunette. Tiffany is standing behind Nan.

Nan playing with a freshly groomed Gracie. She is Maddie and Justin's dog.

Tiffany, Racer and Lizbeth (Adam's sister). Racer is posing by some of his presents.

The boys were interested in the Transformer toys.

Everybody loved watching Kung Fu Panda.

Party pictures.

Showing the Go Diego Go toys.

A very happy Racer and his presents.

Racer's cake with lots of frosting and sprinkles. Yummy!!!
Wow, you've been busy!!! The party looked like such fun, the cake was cute, I loved the stocking you made for Steven and I love the new picture on your blog of the girls. I haven't even put on the Thanksgiving pics, yet, we didn't take very many, and my camera is being retarded and I have a final on Thursday and tons of Christmas shopping yet to do....aagghhh!!! I can't wait to see the video of the girls, it really helps me see how big they've gotten and what their personality is like. Hope everyone is doing well. Talk to you soon, Love Debbie
wow you kids are so cute. i miss you so much we need to keep in touch more. but gte ready becuase there goin to be like me a teenager and thats a great time for the mom.:) well i on winter break right now we are having a three week one insted on two becuase of all the snow we have been having snow days. well i really want to see you and you family. but at lest you got your own kids to take my spot you know going to walmart, homework help ,cooking. oh speking of food i became a vegtrian. but i goin to stop after christmas i think only did it becuase i want it to try it out ok well got to go.
- jourdan
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