Tuesday, January 29, 2008

My b-day night.

Thank you to family for sending cards and making phone calls wishing me a happy birthday. I'm 37 now. Barry made me my favorite dinner, spaghetti and meatballs with french bread and a salad. I made a homemade cake and frosting and it turned out pretty good. I didn't feel like taking any pictures because my camera takes blurry pictures. Holidays just aren't the same without family nearby to celebrate with. I look forward to the next birthday, which is Barry's on Feb. 13th. I also look forward to my doctor's appt.s because I get to see the progress of the babies inside me.

I have a lot of free time on my hands now. I should tell everyone the truth about teaching. I'm not teaching anymore. My principal let me go one week before Christmas. She said that she needed a licensed teacher and I only had my substitute license when I moved here. I have been waiting 4 months for Las Vegas to send me another copy of my teaching license. My principal didn't like the way I was teaching the kindergarten class. She said that I had no classroom management skills and she never saw me teaching the curriculum. Of course, she only popped her head in randomly and never made an official observation of one of my lessons. She also said that if I was a licensed teacher, that she would have gave me unsatisfactory progress in all areas of teaching. Well, of course I was devastated for a long time. It's a month after this happened and I am just now telling you about it. So, I am not working, I am collecting unemployment, and getting WIC (milk, cheese, cereal, etc...) and I'm applying for medicaid to help with the doctor bills and the babies delivery. If my license comes maybe I will teach again but I think that it is a blessing in disguise. I was really stressed out with the class and being pregnant. Now that I know I am having twins, I take it easy and rest alot. I might want to be a stay-at-home mom for a couple of years and then go back into teaching. I don't know what the future holds for me. Barry and Tony are very supportive here cooking and cleaning and making sure the bills are paid on time. Mom and Dad have been very supportive as well. I don't think that I like it here in Reno that much. I don't have any friends, co-workers, or family nearby. I guess I never lived away from family before now. It is hard getting used to. When the babies get here I will be super busy and won't have that much free time to dwell on past mistakes. Anyway, I should probably end this on a good note. I can't think of anything great to write. I'll post more after my appt on Friday.


DJ said...

Aww Shelly, I'm so sorry. I can only imagine the love you gave those kids. I sometimes worry about becoming a teacher, all expectations and pressure that is put upon you to be super human and excel in every area. Your principal didn't seem very supportive of you, she should have given you the help you needed, instead of just letting you go. I have to agree with you though, I was wondering how you would do it all, being pregnant is stressful enough, but twins and working, ugh!! Enjoy your quiet time, journal, create little scrap books, because when they get here...well you'll have your hands doubly full. Hey, I was thinking about coming when the babies are born and giving you a hand for a week or so, if that would be okay with you. I don't know if Rosie would come and I don't want to be in the way, but...if not, I would love to come and give you a hand and visit. Let me know :) Keep your chin up, Love ya, Debbie

Michelle Lee said...

Thanks Debbie!! I would love to have any help or company when the babies get here. I just don't have the room for any guests to stay at our house. Unless you want to sleep on an air mattress on the floor or the couch. Not very comfortable. I could look into how much a room at a hotel nearby would cost for you. Mom and Dad and Tiffy also want to come so we will see if the family reunion idea is still going to happen this summer. Dad says it's too much to rent a house here like he did in Vegas. Tiffy's idea is to get a bunch of rooms at a nearby hotel w/a pool and everybody stay in a different room but still be close by each other. We can plan something that everyone can afford. We will have to see what happens.

pkabow said...

Since I can't help you physically I will give you other kinds of support as you need it. You both can always move home (ha ha--I wish, as I would love to be a baby holder). About the reunion. What would everyone think about coming here instead. Dad and I have gone over all the other options such as renting houses in Reno or Tahoe, staying in hotels (and we would have to help several of you who can't afford hotels)or renting a motor home and staying at a campground. Then we have the problems of having camping equipment and of what the temperature would be--too hot, windy, etc. All of those choices would depend on everyone's being able to come during the same week. If we have it here anyone could come whenever they wanted to and stay as long as they wanted to and it would be easier on me to have my own bed and shower (two of the major problems I have when I go anywhere). If everyone agreed we could shoot for the 4th of July weekend as the time when everyone would try to get here including before or after for as long as you wanted. Let everyone know who doesn't read comments in blogs. What do you think Shelly as everyone wants to see those babies?

KKPharmD said...

Michelle, there are some really mean people in the world and I think your Principal is one of them. I hope you go out there and have fun with the babies and find happiness with them coming soon.

Poo poo on the wicked principal.


Michelle Lee said...

I think it is a good idea to have the reunion up there. The babies will be old enough to travel at one month old. I love 4th of July in Seaside with the fireworks. Barry thinks that is a good idea too. We might have to borrow Tony's car because he has room for car seats and baby equipment. Barry might trade in his red truck for a car that our new family will fit in. I will put out an e-mail finding out what the other siblings think about having the reunion in Oregon. Thanks K-K for making me laugh at your comments. I feel the same way about the principal too!!!

Jamie said...

Being a stay at home mom is awsome and I think you will love it;) Keep your head up and don't let others bring you down! We can't wait to see the babies! Do you think you and Barry will be able to make the wedding?
