Friday, January 4, 2008

I'm having twins!!!

I went to my first pre-natal appt. today at 4 months pregnant. My mom has been after me to go and make sure everything is going right. I have normal blood pressure and they will do tests to make sure that I don't have diabetes. Barry came with me for the whole three hour appt. I had to do paperwork, bloodwork, and a complete physical. During my exam, the doctor said that my cervix was measuring higher than 18 weeks along. She did the thing that lets you hear the baby's heartbeat. At first she only heard one heartbeat and then she found the other one. I wasn't scheduled for an ultrasound today, but she was curious to see how many babies were in there. There are two babies and she said that there might be more but wasn't sure. My next ultrasound will determine the sex of the babies and see if there are anymore babies hiding in there. Barry and I are shocked and happy about seeing the two little babies moving around inside me. They are only 4 inches long but have strong heartbeats and move around alot. I am so happy that my dreams of having kids is coming true. This will be my first and only pregnancy because of my age. I really wanted twins!! Thanks to everyone who believed in me and supported me in my decision to become a mom. It truly will be my most important job for the rest of my life.


Unknown said...

wow good for you michelle i so happy for you want are you going to name boys what are you going to name girls ok that would be cool a girl and boy because there will be one for barry to hang out with and talk about boy stuff and a girl one to talk about girl things with you like me and tembria oh i tell her the news

DJ said...

Oh my goodness!!!I just read your blog today. Congratulations...I'm in shock and I'm not even having them. How exciting for you guys. We have a bunch of Regens and Devons clothes for you.

Jennifer said...

Oh my gosh Shelly!!!Congratulations to you and Barry both! I can't believe it; twins! You are so exciting! I bet you are thrilled. I have been thinking about you and those little babies all day. Brian told me last night after reading your blog and the phone call from Mom. I will try to give you a call this week to talk. Ive been crazy busy with work... I finally got transferred to the pharmacy. Yeah, no more lifting heavy stuff and right in time. I think I threw out my back again. Woops. Any way! I love you. Enjoy sweet thoughts and dreams about the two of those little babies bonding together in your tummy. "Mommy Shelly" Love, Jenn

Ashley said...

WOOO HOOOO!!!! I can not believe it. I will pray that you just have twins not triplets that will be WAY to much work. I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!! Hopefull you will have one of each.

pkabow said...

Happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, happy, HAPPY!!!

KKPharmD said...

Congrats!!! I can't wait to hear if they are boys or girls or one of each.

Yeah for you Shelly,


Jamie said...

Congratulations Kris and I are very excited and we wish you nothing but the best and children are the best thing that you could ever ask for what a blessing:) Let us know more when you do!

Kris and Jamie