Friday, February 1, 2008

Doctor's appt. went well.

My appt. went well today. The doctor measured my belly and listened to the babies heartbeats. That was about all she did. Everything seems to be going well and on track. My next appt. with her is in another month. Then I have to be tested for gestational diabetes when I am 25 weeks along. My next ultrasound is on Valentine's Day. I love the ultrasound because you get to see so much of the babies and they tell you how much the babies weigh. My diet has changed to an all time healthy eating. I'm really proud of myself about how many fruits and veggies I eat each day. Barry is an excellent cook and makes wonderful dinners for me. I still take afternoon naps when I start to hurt from sitting too long. I guess the pain from two babies sitting so low will not go away for the rest of my pregnancy. Sometimes it hurts to walk very far. It feels like a bowling ball on my bladder and my bottom. No other news for now. Hope everyone has a fun Super Bowl party on Sunday. Go Patriots!! I am forced to watch too many sports because with two guys around, that's all they do.


pkabow said...

I want Barry to come be my food coach and cook for me and feed me healthy food so I can lose weight. Does he hire out?? Seriously, that should help keep you healthy and keep your weight gain within limits. I can hardly wait for your next ultrasound to see if there are any other babies hiding out in there. We will love them all. Mom

DJ said...

I also look forward to your ultra sound appointments and doctor appointments. How very exciting for you guys, I loved my ultra sounds too, it's so fun to see them playing in there and kicking and sucking their thumb. Naps are good, get plenty of rest.