Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas Letter 2007

This year started out with us living in Newport, Oregon. We enjoyed a fabulous trip to Las Vegas in June for Jenn and Brian's wedding, Kay-Lynn's graduation and Brian's baptism. The hot desert sun was nice and Michelle really enjoyed swimming and getting a tan. Family reunions are the best!! Then we decided that it was time to expand our family and Michelle looked into getting pregnant. After many doctor appts., blood work, and ultrasounds, she finally got pregnant. The baby will be born around June 10, 2008. We don't know yet if it is a girl or a boy or even twins. As soon as we know, we will be spreading the news. We moved to Reno in October and are living in a small and cozy house. We decided on no more apartment living. We have a pretty quiet neighborhood and no one bothers us. Michelle can't wait until spring so she can plant flowers or even a garden in the yard.

Barry, 42, is working for the company CLP here in Reno. He does construction work like he did in Newport. He loves his red truck and we depend on it as Michelle's car exploded during our first trip to Reno. He loves to watch sports on TV and hang out with his brother Tony, who is staying with us. Tony is working for as a supervisor. He works many hours and we don't see him much. He also watches a lot of sports on TV. Barry lately has been watching all the Christmas movies on TV at night. It drives Tony crazy because he doesn't like to watch Christmas specials for hours at a time. Michelle loves it because it is not sports!!

Michelle, 36, works as a Kindergarten teacher at Robert Mitchell E.S. It keeps her very busy with lesson planning and teaching 25 wild kids. She enjoys updating her blog and sending family and friends e-mails and pictures. She is almost 4 months pregnant now. The morning sickness is still there but nothing too bad. She loves to eat ice cream at night and craves sweet and dill pickles. Her favorite dish to make is a relish tray with lots of yummy veggies and ranch dressing. She dreams that her baby is a girl, but knows not to get her hopes up. Even if it is a boy, he will be loved very much. But she really wants a little girl to play dress up with.

It is hard to be so far from our family and friends. We definately miss all of you and can't wait for next year to visit. We wish all of our family and friends a very Merry Christmas and a safe and Happy New Year!!
I put some fun pictures of the past year to go with the letter. Enjoy!!
May 2007. Newport Bay had two of the ships used in "The Pirates of the Carribean" movies. It was fun to see the ships up close.
August 2007, Tony flying his kite on the beach in Newport. It's harder than it looks to get it up in the air. It was funny to watch.
Barry, hiding his adult beverage under his shirt.
Barry, next to the famous Reno sign.
September 2007, our first trip to Reno. Me trying to be funny for the picture.
Another view of the sign.
November 2007, Barry is cooking the side dishes.
Tony made us a delicious turkey and stuffing.
Two Lee brothers cooking away. They didn't want their pictures taken, but, I usually get my way.
My contribution to our Thanksgiving meal. Yummy veggie tray!!!


ebow said...

We like your letter Shelly! It's good to hear you are getting to watch some fun Christmas TV. That's our favorite too. We just finished watching The Polar Express and The Christmas Story (our fav). Merry Christmas!

pkabow said...

I love your Christmas letter and all the photos. I want to sail on that ship!! What luck to have TWO chefs in the house. Do you ever have to cook? Those guys look cute cooking away together.

Michelle Lee said...

I only cook once a week when I am feeling ambitious. I like to make anything stir-fry with rice. Tony cooks 2 times a week and Barry does the majority of the cooking. His food turns out so delicious. This morning he made us scrambled eggs and potatos fried with chunks of ham in it.

Jamie said...

I love the pics and I loved the pirates movies, how awsome to see them up close:) It's alway's nice to have dinner made for you especially when you are pregnant! We hope to see you all at the wedding in May:) My oldest son was born on June 10th, 1997 so that would be awsome if you delivered then! Take care

Unknown said...

hi i went and vist it my great grandma down there and i saw that sign i love it down there