Saturday, December 15, 2007

Kids making Christmas gifts.

When I first started teaching here in Reno, I got to go to a free teacher store in a warehouse. Companies donate all kinds of things for teachers to use in their classrooms. I took carpet squares for the kids to sit on, free kids books, some stationary and boxes of glass jars. I knew that I could think of some kind of craft to use the jars for. My class cut or ripped tissue paper and glued it to the jars. I'm going to fill them up with candy and the kids get to take them home as a gift to their mom or dad or grandparents. I'm also giving each child a bookmark, an ornament and some homemade peanut butter cookies at their party this Thursday. They will also take home their paperchains, and santa pictures that they made with their hands. We also attempted to make snow flakes out of coffee filters but kindergartners get frustrated when they can't cut out little shapes and make a pretty snowflake. I always try this project and it is good for some of them to learn how to control the scissors and follow directions. My aide and I made plenty for the kids to take home and show their parents. I also ran out of time but wanted to take their pictures with reindeer antlers on and then make picture frames out of craft sticks and put a funny picture inside as another gift to give.
The kid's expressions crack me up. Some look totally happy and others look kind of sad or hide behind the jars.


pkabow said...

The girl in the fifth picture down with the pink shirt is so pretty. Is she as sweet as she looks? What is up with you besides school? Anything new?

Michelle Lee said...

Yes, the girl is one of my favorites. She is extra helpful in the classroom. I'm busy with school and Barry and I went to a Christmas party tonight with other teachers from my school. I'm still posting more pictures and blog updates. I'll talk to you soon.

DJ said...

What a fun idea with the jars. I'm making cinnamon applesauce ornaments with my kids plus we're painting with pine boughs and making stars with popsicle sticks. I love this time of year...craft ideas are in abundance. Makes it easy to plan.