Saturday, April 4, 2009

Pics from Feb. 3rd...Girls are 9 months old

Monthly photo shoot with the girls and their teddy bear. This time they were in their bathrobes and playing with toys in our room.
Brenna and Chantrell
Happy Babies!!!
Brenna gets squinty eyes when she smiles...just like I do.

Close up of Chantrell and her "taco tongue." She went through a phase of having her tongue out all the time.

"Hey Mom...check me out."
Chantrell pushing the walker.

Brenna is holding one of her favorite blankies.

Hi Beautiful!!

Look at that face!!! Isn't she just adorable? I'm trying to limit each event to five photos...but it is too hard when they all look so good. Oh well, you will just have to suffer looking at lots of cute baby pictures. Hee Hee Hee!!!Brenna got stuck in the bottom of her toy. Bad mommy grabbed the camera first...then I helped her get out.Boy, did she cry. Poor thing."My, What big eyes you have Chantrell." "The better to see you with mommy." We were getting ready to go to Lincoln City to my dad's dental office. Erica was visiting and needed to have dental work done.Brenna wasn't looking too good. Later in the trip we found out why. She threw up all over herself and the carseat. Mmmmm. Love that smell of baby milk throw up.Ready to go bye-bye.


Anonymous said...

So, cute. It makes you forget all the up-chuck sessions.:)

ebow said...

I love the new pictures! The one at the top of your blog is cute too. They have they same smile. Glad they're feeling better.

kendes said...

i like the picture the twins soo cute i missed them will see you soon again LOVE YA......KEN AND DES