Thank you to Grandma Bowman for the care package that you sent for my little girls. They love the new little outfits. It is so much fun to dress them in twinsy outfits. Brenna is sporting a little headband, thanks to Ashley's donations from baby Regen. Isn't she just a doll?!!

Brenna is now over 11 pounds. She doubled her birth weight before she was 3 months old. She is getting chubby.

Chantrell is sticking her tongue out at me. She is wearing a pink headband and looking oh so sweet. She weighs over 12 pounds now and she too has doubled her birth weight in less than 3 months. The girls are right on track developmentally.

I changed her headband to a white one. She wore it to the doctor's office.

Outfit change. . . time for the green summer outfit. Here is Brenna looking so relaxed. I have been trying to get a video clip of her cooing and baby talking. It is so cute but she only does it when I don't have the camera ready. I think Chantrell was sleeping at the time because I only got pictures of Brenna.

This is what Barry does to the girls when he is left in charge. He calls this "sitting" time. He bundles up the girls and puts them on couch cushions for them to practice sitting up. I think it is hilarious. This is Chantrell.

A hungry and sad Brenna all bundled up. Don't worry. . . she got a bottle as soon as I took the pictures.

The girls are sitting up on the couch. I don't know what they think about this.

Chantrell is a happy and cheerful baby. She loves to smile and coo.

One of the weekends, we took the girls to the park for the first time. We went late in the day so it wasn't too hot for them. Chantrell is laying in the grass. She didn't even cry.

Close up of Chantrell.

Daddy and Chantrell. "My daddy loves me."

"Bumpy Head" game.

So cute!!

Brenna's turn on the grass. She didn't cry either. I tried to turn the pictures the right way but it didn't work. Oh Well. When I print them out, I will put them in their scrapbooks the right way.

Mommy and Brenna. It was a very windy day. My hair was blowing all around.

Another pic of me and Brenna.

"Wheeee!! My mommy loves me."

Here is a big fat kiss. Smooch!!!

While we were having our picnic, a helicopter took off from the hospital. The park is next to Renown Hospital where the girls were born. The park and hospital are both within walking distance from our house.

The girls were hanging out on the blanket.

Chantrell is furthest from me and Brenna is closest to me in this picture.

The wind is blowing up the girl's dresses. They actually liked lying on their tummies in the park.

Now they are on their backs looking up at the trees. Chantrell is on the left and Brenna is on the right.

Baby Brenna.

Baby Chantrell.

We saw that there were some people from the hospital waiting in the park. We figured out that they were waiting for the helicopter to land with a patient. We were lucky enough to be there when it landed. It was very cool and very loud.

Barry was entertaining the girls.

Here comes the helicopter in for a landing. . . right in the park!!

We were close to where it landed but not too close because of the babies. The amount of wind that the helicopter produces is amazing.


After the helicopter landed, Chantrell was hungry so Barry fed her a bottle. It matched her outfit.

Both of the babies and daddy.

We took a video clip of the helicopter taking off again but I can't get the video to load on blogger. I'll try again tomorrow.
The girls looks have changed already! Now that Brenna weighs more it is harder for me to tell them apart. They sure look cute together dressed alike. The photos of the helicopter landing are really good. I'll bet that was exciting. I hope you can come visit at Christmas! The babies will really look different by then.
I agree, they are changing and have cute chubby legs, what a nice day you had at the park. Soon, they'll be sitting on their own and rolling around, they will have so much fun together...great pics.
I love the green outfits on the grass pictures. They look so cute outside with the nice lighting. Its always nice to have a great camera too. Good shots Shelly!
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