On Wednesday and Thursday we went to Eugene to visit with Barry's parents. We borrowed dad's truck and drove down the Oregon Coast. We stopped at Salishan, where I used to work to show my friends the twins. We made it to Eugene at about 2 pm. We were welcomed by the Lee's, and Sally and two of her girls. Grandma Rose Lee is feeding Brenna her bottle.

" Here's looking at you kid!" Grandpa Dave Lee is holding Chantrell. I love how they are looking at each other. Dave had just gotten out of the hospital after having back surgery. He could sit and hold the babies but couldn't lift anything heavier than a glass of water. He had pain down his leg and foot for awhile and decided to go to the doctor. They took x-rays and mri's to discover that he had broken pieces of his disk pressing on his spine caused by arthritis. Dave said he didn't even need to take pain medicine after the surgery. He felt so much better. That is pretty amazing how fast he recovered.

Here is Chantrell with her grandpa.

These are two of Sally's girls. Sally is Barry's older sister. Hannah is holding Brenna and Brianna is next to her sister. Jennifer is the older sister, not there that day and the older brother is David.

Dave, in his favorite chair, is holding Brenna on the left and Chantrell on the right.

Rose's turn to hold the babies. Brenna is in pink and Chantrell is in the purple with the blanket. Chantrell is always looking for our faces. Brenna does it too but not as much as Chantrell. She loves to stare at us.

I went in the back yard to see what was new. They have a new patio set on the deck. Looks nice.

Here is their garden. They plant many vegetables each year. I think they have lettuce, peas, tomatos, carrots, onions, zucchini, cucumbers and corn.

This is a close up of the zucchini plant.

This is lettuce.

Here is the backyard looking towards the house.

Later that day, Barry's younger brother Kevin and his wife Cindy, and their kids Kayla and Levi came over for a visit. This is Kayla holding Brenna. She went nuts over the babies and played such funny games with them.

Cindy is holding Chantrell and she just loved the babies too.

Kevin is relaxing after a long day at work. His daughter is on the couch next to him.

Levi was playing on the computer and I got this picture of him looking surprised.

Kevin wasn't sure about holding the babies. He said that if they cried that someone better come and get them.

Levi is holding Brenna. He likes to play football and is a good student. After Kevin and his family went home, Barry and I spent the night up in the spare room. The girls did pretty good sleeping in the twin bed surrounded by pillows.

Brenna all ready for bed in her pj's.

The next day Kayla and Cindy came back over for baby time. Kayla is an excellent swimmer and she had just went to swim practice. She had to go to her work as a lifeguard at lunch time. Brenna is relaxing on her lap.

Cindy is playing with Chantrell on the floor.

Kayla is 6 foot 1 inches tall, tan, and very pretty. She hopes to swim in the 2012 summer olympics in London.

Here is the back of her t-shirt. Kayla is also an excellent student and gets straight A's. She will probably go away to a big college of her choice when high school is over.

Family pictures before we had to head back to Warrenton and return my dad's truck. The next day we had to fly back to Reno.

We are standing in the front yard of the Lee's. I'm holding Chantrell and Barry has Brenna. It was nice to see Barry's side of the family and get to visit with everyone.
1 comment:
It was neat to see pictures of Barrys brothers and sisters and family. I don't even know them and I'm related to them too. We need a gigantic reunion to see all our aunts, uncles, and cousins.
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