Saturday, January 5, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!!

The big storm that has been hitting the West coast came to us on Friday with lots of rain. Saturday, we woke up to 4 inches of snow. It has been snowing all day and we got another 5 inches. We don't own snow boots, or even a shovel, so we stay inside where it's nice and warm. The news has been showing different areas affected by the storm, flooding in Fernley, just North of Reno, and tons of bad weather in California. Oregon has had lots of rain and wind on the coast. We are pretty lucky not to have flooding where we live. So far, no power outages yet either. Here are some pictures of the pretty white snow.
Tony's car in about 4 inches of snow.
Our back alley where we park our cars.
Barry's truck next to our house.
Looking to the left from our front door. Normally it is just dirt and rocks.
Looking to the right from the front door. Our path to get the mail is covered in snow.
Barry took this picture of when it was really coming down fast.


Unknown said...

that is alot of snow

Jamie said...

That is just beautiful! I love the snow but hate being cold;) Go figure, but the pictures look great:)

Unknown said...

hey you need to show us all a pic of you before on how you look now did you tell people at school yet

Michelle Lee said...

Yes, I told everyone at school about being pregnant. I will put another picture on the blog when I am 5 months pregnant. My tummy is getting bigger.

Aubrey & David Gibbons said...

I'm so jealous that you guys get snow! I never thought I would miss it after living in alaska, but I really do! I'm so happy for you and I can't believe you're having twins!! That's so amazing! I've always thought that you would make an awesome mom, congratulations!!