Sunday, September 23, 2007

I'm Pregnant!!!

Yes, you read it right. I am finally pregnant after waiting for many years. I am super excited and a little shocked that it actually is happening to me. I have called everyone I know and will send out an-email to everyone else who I don't have a phone number for. Erica, I tried to call your number but it won't go through. You will probably find out that I am pregnant by reading my blog. I woke up on Sunday morning knowing that I had to wait just one more day. I'm so impatient that I had to take the pregnancy test first thing in the morning. It was so easy to take the test and the results were only a minute away. It read "pregnant". I ran out of the bathroom and showed Barry. He seemed happy for me and a little nervous that I am making him a new daddy at the age of 42, he will be 43 by the time the baby gets here. I am thinking of a way to tell my coworkers at Salishan that I am pregnant. I'm going to buy little Baby Ruth candy bars and wrap them in pink and blue tissue paper. On the tag I'm going to write, "Guess Who's Pregnant?" and on the back of the tag it will say "ME" and the expected due date. I think it will be around June 10, 2008. I have to ask the doctor how you determine the due date. I know when the conception date was. I keep telling Barry, it's going to be a long nine months. I hate waiting for anything. I want things to happen right away. But, I know I will have to be very patient and enjoy taking long naps and a quiet apartment. When the baby gets here, it will all change. I feel that I have a lot of practice taking care of other people's kids, babysitting, teaching, etc... I also feel that I don't want to be selfish with my time and am ready to share my life with a child, giving them whatever they need. Mostly my love and time, not so much material things. OK, I'll write more when I have more info on the baby's due date. I love my family and I am so happy that they support me in making this decision to have a baby.


ebow said...

YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so super duper excited for you! We will keep you in our prayers and hope that the first three months go by perfectly. This is such great news!

pkabow said...

Oh Shelly, That is the most wonderful news! I hope it is twins or triplets. That would be so cool. A lot of work--but a great reward for waiting so long. Love you. Mom

DJ said...

What???!!!!That is the most terrific news I've heard in a long time. Way to go!! We are so happy for you both. You're going to be the best mom ever and Barry is just going to love this new baby. What an exciting time ahead of you both. Hopefully you won't have morning sickness too bad, I didn't, just so tired. Love you, Debbie and family

Ashley said...

YAY SHELLY!!!!!! Being pregnant isnt so bad until the last 2 months. I didn't get morning sickness. About 8 o clock at night everything smelled like rotten grabage and I always felt like I needed to puke. So I would just go to bed before 8 hit.

You got any questions you can ask me cause I just went through it. I am sooo stoked.

Jamie said...

Thats fantastic news, you will be a great mother and it will be rewarding after having to wait so long. It's still odd that I will have another cousin younger than my kids.

-Kris and Family