Saturday, September 15, 2007

Baby Names

Ok, if I am pregnant, here are some girl and boy names that Barry and I have come up with. For the girl it will be Brenna Chantrel Lee. For the boy it will be Zachary Alan Lee. If I have twin girls, then another girl name will be Meagan Chanel Lee. If I have twin boys, then another boy name will be Garrick David Lee. Now, if I have triplets ... I'm going to have to think of some other names. Brenna and Garrick are names from my favorite book, Fires of Winter, by Johanna Lindsey. Barry likes the name Chantrel, which is the name of a mushroom. I looked up the name Brenna, and it means "hill" in Welsh. So, when my child asks why she was named her name, I can say, "You were named after a hill and a mushroom." Kind of funny if you ask me. The name Zachary is for mom's grandpa Sakari Hanhi from Finland. I have always loved the name Meagan, even if it is Stephanie's middle name, I'm borrowing it. Only 9 more days until I take my pregnancy test. It is all that I think about. I have already started reading, What To Expect When You Are Expecting, and the book has good recipes and food groups that I should be eating. So, I made up my own food groups and appropriate servings chart and I have started a food journal. I keep track of what I eat and when I eat , and at the end of the day I can see that I don't eat enough dairy, fruit, veggies, or drink enough water. It's a goal of mine to cut out all soda drinks, chips, and cookies. I still get caffenine headaches, so I do drink about 3 sodas a day.

1 comment:

pkabow said...

You're blog is cute and interesting. Don't get discouraged if you aren't pregnant and have to try again next month! Good for you on the diet and cutting down on sodas. I am waiting for some photos on your blog so maybe we can take some when you come and you can add them from my computer. Love, Mom