Wednesday, September 12, 2007

All about Me

I wanted to have a cute blogspot like my sister Erica, my mom, and even my niece Rhiannon. I have some time on my hands, so here is some info about me. My name is Michelle Lee Bowman, Bowman is my maiden name and now that I am married, my name is Michelle Lee Lee. Everyone thinks it is funny that my middle name is the same as my married name. My husband of three years is Barry Alan Lee. I am trying to get pregnant through artificial insemination. On Monday, September 10, 2007, I went to my fertility doctor to have the IUI procedure done. I ordered a sperm sample from a donor at Fairfax Cryobank in Virginia. The nurse put the sperm right into my cervix, because the thawed sperm are not good swimmers. Hopefully, one found the egg and a baby is made. I will take a pregnancy test on Monday, September 24, 2007. I hope, hope, hope that I am pregnant on the first try. I am 36 years old and by the time the baby is born, I will be 37. It will probably be my only child. We will have to wait and see.


ebow said...

Yea! I hope you are pregnant Shelly! We will keep our fingers crossed. I love your blog. I am glad you are doing one too. Now I will have more to read so you better post regularly.

pkabow said...

I can't believe you figured out how to do a blog in one shift at work when it took me about three days and 20 hours how to do one. It is cute. Maybe the trend will spread. Debbie, Lisa, KK, Jen? Love, Mom