Wednesday, May 27, 2009
May 3rd -- Twin's First Birthday!!!
Back on the computer again :)
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Feb. 14th Valentine's Day Activities
She has lots of determination to do what she wants.
This is what we do when I am left home to babysit five kids. We take photos and video clips of ourselves acting silly.
Rhiannon trying to keep a straight face, in a clown outfit. She kept saying that she was a goth-vegetarian-clown-pirate.
Now she is acting like her normal self.
Brenna sitting quietly with the foam letters. She is probably wondering what all the fuss is about.
Chantrell is on my lap and we are playing with the scarf again.
Rhiannon is age 9.
Ryder is age 5.
Racer is age 4.
Random pics from Feb. cont.
Look at that cute face. She has recently had her hair cut back into bangs and long layers. If I find a good pic of her haircut, I'll post it.
This video was taken by Rhiannon so it is a little shakey. I'm in the background yelling up to my mom about the home teachers coming for a visit. Another day the kids wanted to play with the foam letters and build little houses. The babies love to destroy the creations so they had to stay in the exersaucers for awhile.
Ryder and Racer just got haircuts too. Ryder is showing me his house that he made.
Chantrell is looking off into space. Her hand is down by her leg. She is probably wondering how much longer she will be stuck in there.
Brenna is waiting to be let out too. They don't like to be caged in their's more fun to crawl around the house.