Wednesday, May 27, 2009
May 3rd -- Twin's First Birthday!!!
It's a "puppy party!" I made the girls their own cakes with paw prints on them and wrote their names on the cakes with frosting. They turned out cute and tasted pretty good too. Rhiannon helped me with the decorations and she picked out the dresses for the girls to wear. She is nine years old and is a big help to me with the girls. I take her with me when I go places. Nan can lift the babies out of the carseats and put them into the grocery carts. She also helps push a stroller at the stores and I can push the other one. When Barry is there he helps out but when he is at work, I try to take Nan with me. She is getting good practice at babysitting little girls.

Ryder is playing with some party favors while the girls were taking a nap in the afternoon.
Here is Racer with his parachute man.
And Rhiannon too.
The little parachute man kept getting tangled up in the string and Ryder was getting frustrated.
Look how long Nan's hair is getting. She wants to get it cut short, up to her shoulders, but her mom won't let her. I just got my hair cut shorter too. It is so much easier to take care of.
A sleepy Brenna in her highchair wearing her new bib.
A more awake Chantrell wondering what all the excitement is for.
"What are these party favors for??" "I guess we should eat them."
Happy Birthday Brenna!!! She was looking up at her Aunt Tiffany when we were singing to her.
Yay!!! Happy Birthday Chantrell!!! She was clapping her hands as we sang to her.
"Yummmm. . . cake tastes good."
"Yup, it sure does taste good."
Rhiannon can't wait to taste the cake. . . she has her tongue out all ready to lick the frosting.
Ryder is waiting patiently for his piece. Barry is standing next to him cutting the cake. I also made a pineapple upside down cake for the rest of the family.
Racer shoved the whole piece of cake in his mouth at once. I bet him that he couldn't do it. I guess he showed me. : )
Mommy and her girls.
Daddy and his girls.
Close up of Chantrell eating cake. Her hair keeps getting lighter. It's almost blond now. She is a very pretty girl.
More cake in the face pictures. Pretty Brenna with the red hair and blue eyes.
All cleaned up and ready for presents.
Brenna stands up to the couches and walks around them. Chantrell is a pretty good walker all by herself.
Nan gave the girls her stuffed dragon toys.
All the kids opening presents and showing the babies what they picked for them.
New sippie cups to drink from.
Turtle bath toys and new baby dolls.
New activity table with all kinds of sorting and stacking toys. They love this toy.
A good picture of everything that they got. Toy vacuum cleaner, pelican toy, stacking cups, etc... They also received money, books, videos, and clothes. Thank you to everyone who sent gifts, checks and cards. We all enjoyed having the girl's first birthday party. Barry and I are so happy that they are healthy and growing and right on track developmentally. They are so fun to watch while they play with their toys. We love our girls!!!
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Aww little babies...I am going to bring their present with me when I come!!!! You know Regen didnt walk until 2 weeks after she turned one. So Brenna is right on track with her...chantrell was more advanced then
I have a video of Ashley at 1 year 2 weeks, I'm trying to help her walk and all she does is lift her legs up and try to pick up the jack in the box with her feet, she walked shortly after. Fun memories!! I loved the paw print cakes that you made, soooo cute. It looks like they had a fun party and lots of presents. Regen's 2nd birthday is next and Alanna's 14th birthday and then Jackson will be born...woah, it will all be here before we know it!!!Can't wait to see you all in about 7 weeks.
Wow they are getting big. Already a year!
Do you and Barry use Facebook at all? Most of the family including Dad, Sally, Kevin, Tonia and most of the kids use it now.
Both are cute babies lively.
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