Look Who's Walking Now!! Chantrell loves to push her walker toy around the house. It was Valentine's Day in the evening and we were playing photographer with the babies.
She has lots of determination to do what she wants.
This is what we do when I am left home to babysit five kids. We take photos and video clips of ourselves acting silly.
Rhiannon trying to keep a straight face, in a clown outfit. She kept saying that she was a goth-vegetarian-clown-pirate.
Now she is acting like her normal self.
Brenna sitting quietly with the foam letters. She is probably wondering what all the fuss is about.
Chantrell is on my lap and we are playing with the scarf again.
Rhiannon is age 9.
Ryder is age 5.
Racer is age 4.
How much fun was that...so cute! They are all lucky to have you there. The babies are soooo cute and walking even. What size are they in now, I can't believe in 2 weeks they'll be ONE, where did the year go?
I cant WAIT until we come for 2 1/2 weeks. I am trying to talk Graham into coming too, cause he has vacation time built up. He said he wants to take a week off and go to Cali with Regen and I. He doesnt do well with a lot of people cause of all the noise right now, but its wearing off (just weirdness from war) I showed Regen pictures of Chantrell and Brenna and she was soooo excited saying, "baby, baby." They are going to have so much fun!!
Where are you??????????????????????????????????????
Nice and funny pics.
Jobst Stockings
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