Friday, September 28, 2007
More Interviews Scheduled...
I got phone calls from two more principals wanting me to interview on Monday and Tuesday. The first school I interview with has three openings and the next school has only a kindergarten opening. The one on Tuesday is looking for a 1st-2nd combo teacher. That one sounds really interesting to me and the principal sounds so nice on the phone. I won't know which job to take until I get there and see the school, the surrounding area and meet the staff. My choice would be to teach the older grades, like 2nd and 4th grade. But if I don't have a choice and I have to teach kindergarten, it won't be that bad. I have experience and all the lesson plans already from Las Vegas. Barry and I are leaving on Saturday, tomorrow morning pretty early. I have looked on-line and found some reasonable priced places to stay. I also have a map showing where all the schools are located with their address and phone numbers. I have picked out an interview outfit and Barry approved of it. Some clothes don't fit that well with my poochie stomach. I have my resume all updated and printed on very nice paper. I guess that's all for now. Wish me luck!!!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Moving to Reno, Nevada??!!
I have an interview with the assistant principal of Lemmon Valley E.S. next Monday, October 1. It is for a school in Reno, NV. She has three positions open in her school, kindergarten, 2nd grade and 4th grade. I also got another call from a principal at another school and she needs a 6th grade teacher by October 8th. She may call me back for an interview too. I would have to move to Reno pretty fast. Barry and I want to make the 10 hour drive so we have our car to look at apartments and houses to rent. He wants to move to Reno too. The construction company that he works for also has an office in Reno, so he could transfer with his job. During the summer, Washoe County, in Reno, only had about 12 teacher openings and I applied for all of them. Now, there are 24 more jobs available and I have applied to all of them again. Hopefully, I will get a full-time teaching job very soon. I knew that everything would happen at once. First, I got pregnant, and now a teaching job, then maybe a new car!!! I'm glad to hear something back after waiting all summer for a teaching job. I will write more when I get back from Reno.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
I'm Pregnant!!!
Yes, you read it right. I am finally pregnant after waiting for many years. I am super excited and a little shocked that it actually is happening to me. I have called everyone I know and will send out an-email to everyone else who I don't have a phone number for. Erica, I tried to call your number but it won't go through. You will probably find out that I am pregnant by reading my blog. I woke up on Sunday morning knowing that I had to wait just one more day. I'm so impatient that I had to take the pregnancy test first thing in the morning. It was so easy to take the test and the results were only a minute away. It read "pregnant". I ran out of the bathroom and showed Barry. He seemed happy for me and a little nervous that I am making him a new daddy at the age of 42, he will be 43 by the time the baby gets here. I am thinking of a way to tell my coworkers at Salishan that I am pregnant. I'm going to buy little Baby Ruth candy bars and wrap them in pink and blue tissue paper. On the tag I'm going to write, "Guess Who's Pregnant?" and on the back of the tag it will say "ME" and the expected due date. I think it will be around June 10, 2008. I have to ask the doctor how you determine the due date. I know when the conception date was. I keep telling Barry, it's going to be a long nine months. I hate waiting for anything. I want things to happen right away. But, I know I will have to be very patient and enjoy taking long naps and a quiet apartment. When the baby gets here, it will all change. I feel that I have a lot of practice taking care of other people's kids, babysitting, teaching, etc... I also feel that I don't want to be selfish with my time and am ready to share my life with a child, giving them whatever they need. Mostly my love and time, not so much material things. OK, I'll write more when I have more info on the baby's due date. I love my family and I am so happy that they support me in making this decision to have a baby.
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Wedding Pictures 5-21-2004

I love this picture in sepia. Very country.

Vince and Erica Fordiani looking pretty nice!! It was also their 10th year being married. They were married at the Secret Garden, too.

Brett, my only brother and Lisa, my older sister. Brett was Barry's best man and Lisa was my matron of honor. Thank you guys!!

Ringbearers, Steven Rorman and Ryan Bowman. Aren't they too cute??

Flowergirls, Stephanie and Jessica Rorman, Jazmine Bowman, Anna and Olivia Fordiani, Alanna Juchau and Rhiannon Lewis. Anna actually held the back of my dress and Alanna handed out the programs. Seven beautiful flower girls!!

Baby Names
Ok, if I am pregnant, here are some girl and boy names that Barry and I have come up with. For the girl it will be Brenna Chantrel Lee. For the boy it will be Zachary Alan Lee. If I have twin girls, then another girl name will be Meagan Chanel Lee. If I have twin boys, then another boy name will be Garrick David Lee. Now, if I have triplets ... I'm going to have to think of some other names. Brenna and Garrick are names from my favorite book, Fires of Winter, by Johanna Lindsey. Barry likes the name Chantrel, which is the name of a mushroom. I looked up the name Brenna, and it means "hill" in Welsh. So, when my child asks why she was named her name, I can say, "You were named after a hill and a mushroom." Kind of funny if you ask me. The name Zachary is for mom's grandpa Sakari Hanhi from Finland. I have always loved the name Meagan, even if it is Stephanie's middle name, I'm borrowing it. Only 9 more days until I take my pregnancy test. It is all that I think about. I have already started reading, What To Expect When You Are Expecting, and the book has good recipes and food groups that I should be eating. So, I made up my own food groups and appropriate servings chart and I have started a food journal. I keep track of what I eat and when I eat , and at the end of the day I can see that I don't eat enough dairy, fruit, veggies, or drink enough water. It's a goal of mine to cut out all soda drinks, chips, and cookies. I still get caffenine headaches, so I do drink about 3 sodas a day.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
All about Me
I wanted to have a cute blogspot like my sister Erica, my mom, and even my niece Rhiannon. I have some time on my hands, so here is some info about me. My name is Michelle Lee Bowman, Bowman is my maiden name and now that I am married, my name is Michelle Lee Lee. Everyone thinks it is funny that my middle name is the same as my married name. My husband of three years is Barry Alan Lee. I am trying to get pregnant through artificial insemination. On Monday, September 10, 2007, I went to my fertility doctor to have the IUI procedure done. I ordered a sperm sample from a donor at Fairfax Cryobank in Virginia. The nurse put the sperm right into my cervix, because the thawed sperm are not good swimmers. Hopefully, one found the egg and a baby is made. I will take a pregnancy test on Monday, September 24, 2007. I hope, hope, hope that I am pregnant on the first try. I am 36 years old and by the time the baby is born, I will be 37. It will probably be my only child. We will have to wait and see.
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