Wednesday, September 17, 2008

More fun and games at the Bowman's house.

Racer is posing in the spidey swim mask he found.
And here is Ryder.
Barry after work, wearing his tie too short. He needs to buy some ties at the Big and Tall store so they actually can look right. He showed me that he was trying to make it longer but there wasn't enough to go through the back loop. He still looks handsome to me!!
I took the kids to the park in Astoria before school started this year. We had fun visiting Barry at his work, Safeway, and picked out some lunch. Rhiannon, Ryder, and Racer all enjoying our picnic lunch at the park.
Brenna is all decked out in her summer hat and new green froggy toy. She is getting so big now. I think that the girls each weigh 16 lbs. Rhiannon held them on the scale and we figured out their weight minus Rhiannon's weight. They both had their four month shots just last week. Barry said that they did good. I had to go to the dentist, dad, on that Friday.Chantrell drinking her favorite baba and she has her new set of linking toys. It was such a nice sunny day when we went to the park.This is the park that looks like a castle. Tiffy's kids love to go to this park.Racer is playing on the big green turtle. He has lots of energy for running around. Racer again. He loved going down the fireman's pole.The view from the park looks out across Young's Bay. Soooo pretty.Close up view of the water and green grass and trees.Ryder at the top of the slide.Wheeeee!! Now he is at the bottom of the slide. Do it again. Rhiannon is on the swings. She is such a big helper and takes good care of her younger brothers.More swinging.The two boys on the tire swing. They thought is was fun to spin it round and round and make themselves dizzy.
On the way home in Surf Pines, we saw the elusive herd of elk. They were eating grass in someone's yard. Yes, we are obsessed with elk and deer. I take my camera everywhere we go just hoping that they will appear.One of the younger males in the herd. A female elk.More elk. And a cute baby.They were starting to walk away while I was snapping pictures of them.Bottom's up!! I got that saying from mom's blog.The long awaited photo shoot of the girls now that they are four months old. Here is Chantrell in her new bathrobe after her bath. She was sleepy in the warm sunshine. A beautiful smile from her. I think that she looks like Lisa and Tiffany's baby pictures.A sleepy Brenna on the couch. She reminds me of Kay-Lynn and Erica's baby pictures. Most people say she looks the most like me. Mom thinks that Chantrell looks like me because our skin tone is the same. Well, they both look like me because I'm their mommy.Brenna is just lounging on the couch. I have to be careful with them on the couch now. They both can roll over from their backs to their stomaches and back again to their backs. Sometimes I will put them on the floor on a blanket and walk away to do a chore and when I come back they are both rolled into each other or they are completely off the blanket. They used to stay right where I put them and now who knows where they will be when I come back to check on them. Just wait until they start crawling!!The girls together. They are sitting up pretty good now.Brenna and Chantrell. Happy girls dressed for the day. They like to look at each other and like to eat each others hands in their mouths.Hi Brenna.Hello Chantrell.A drooling Brenna on her tummy. She is wearing a little cow wrist rattle.Chantrell enjoying tummy time. She is wearing the little pink pig wrist rattle. Her hair is growing more each month. I'll post more later. I'm out of time tonight and need to "hit the hay". Nighty Night.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Back on-line in Oregon!!

We made it to my mom and dad's house here in Warrenton about 3 weeks ago. Since then we have been busy unpacking and getting our room looking nice, Barry went job hunting and found work at Safeway in the produce department, and I have been helping out mom and babysitting Tiffy's kids after school and watching my own twin girls. It is never boring around here. There is always some drama or problem that needs to be solved. Our to-do list is never ending and I can't even make a dent in the chore list. I want to multiply myself about four more times to get everything done each day. It should get better once the kids get on a good school schedule and stop crying every night before bed. Our girls are doing great...they are gaining weight and looking pretty cute. They go in for their four month old shots on Friday. Barry is taking them by himself because I am going to Lincoln City for dental work with Dad and Mom. I lost a filling in a tooth eating Banana Nut Crunch cereal. Emphasis on the word "nut". It broke the filling out of my back tooth. Here are some pictures from our time here so far.Rhiannon and her friends, Alexa and Meagan in the background wearing their party headbands and acting like typical nine year olds. They had a blast at the birthday party and spent the night too.Alexa showing me the back of her party headband.Everyone jumping on the trampoline after the cake and ice cream. It was kind of rainy that day and the sun was just peeking out in the evening.Alexa, Meagan, Rhiannon and Gracie the neighbor's dog. Here is Jack, another neighbor's dog and Gracie with one of the boy's socks in her mouth. The dogs come to the backyard and chew the kids shoes, eat plastic glasses that are left out and poop and pee in the yard. Mom is tired of the dogs visiting everyday and tells the kids to send their dogs home. Mom and dad don't even have a dog and they have about three dogs and a couple of cats who all want to be in their yard. Jack goes in the garage and gets into any trash it can find. They are cute dogs but they cause a lot of problems.Birthday boy Ryder and his friend Justin. Justin is a twin to Maddy and they are five and go to Ryder's school.

Maddy, the twin to Justin, Meagan, Nana, and Alexa all posing for another goofy picture.Opening presents and acting silly...that was the theme for the night. After the party, the girls changed clothes and watched the Hannah Montana 3-D movie. They danced and sang to all the songs. They had sleeping bags on the living room floor and made it really comfy.Grandpa was holding Brenna and talking to her. She can baby talk really good and can even laugh out loud now. I have a video clip of her and grandpa.

Our first sighting of the elk. I took Tiffy's boys and the twin girls with me for a long walk to the park. While using the convenient port-a-potty we heard some rustling in the woods and saw the elk. They are huge when you get closer, much bigger than horses. You can't get too close because they can charge you. Close up of the elk. It is a herd of about 13 elk with one male who is in charge of the females and young baby elk. We are so fascinated by them and take numerous pictures of them everytime we see them. Deer are cute but elk are so majestic in their stance.Ryder with his bike. He rode it all the way to the park and back home. He doesn't even need training wheels.Racer on his little bike. He was a real trooper making it on the long trip. He got tired for a little boy. His bike has training wheels still on. They might be coming off pretty soon.